The Planets is a view of our Solar System with the knowledge from 1999. With little tuning, it would be fine basis for ever evolving documentary, which would be updated when new data arrives. It still shines in many parts, because huge part of it is history of solar system exploration. There are lots of interviews from Voyager project, Russian scientists who worked with Soviet space program, Apollo project personnel, and many many other scientists.
Dated parts concern discoveries during the last two decades: All those Mars rovers, Cassini-Huygens has arrived and is ending it's mission in few weeks (sep 2017), Voyger 1 has left the Solar System, that "future" Pluto probe (New Horizons) was launched and already few by Pluto six months ago, and, most of all, about 99,9% of exoplanets have been discovered after the show. But basically "only" two things are very much dated: Mars exploration and exoplanets.
Even with all that, huge part of it is still valid and especially those interviews are still interesting. I haven't seen any better documentary about the subject.