I always have loved Disney, and of the sing-along-songs series, Friend Like Me, while not as good as Very Merry Christmas Songs or Zip a De Do Dah for example, it is one of the better ones. The animation in the links is an improvement over the rather scratchy style used in Fun With Music and Be Our Guest(another favourite), while the animation in all the featured segments is of vibrant, fluid quality. We are treated to not one but two songs from the Disney classic Aladdin, Friend Like Me, which is vocal and comedic genius from Robin Williams and the beautiful duet A Whole New World, which also happens to be my personal favourite animated sequence of the film. Of the other songs featured, the most relevant to the theme of the video is the poignant Best of Friends from Fox and the Hound. Something There is also very nice with the closest Beauty and the Beast get to friendship, as well as In Harmony, one of the better songs of the Little Mermaid series, which is not quite as good as the film but one of the better Disney shows to me. Friendship I liked, it was a nice song with good lyrics, but the animation used looks dated. My least favourite was Let's Get Together, a song that is not so bad actually and the film is very good too but compared to the other songs here it is not as memorable and not as relevant to the theme of friendship in the way that Something There and Best of Friends are. All in all, very good. 9/10 Bethany Cox