The Cutting is not at all an easy movie to comment (or watch). It has a very experimental, weird and intelligent story. For example: the starting-point is as follows: 2 Guys are running away from the third who's trying to kill them. One runs to the north, the other to the south. All of a sudden they meet each other in the woods together with their killer. How is this possible since they were running in opposite directions ? Explanation ? Since the killer couldn't possibly know which way to go, he was in 'superposition' in relation to north and south, therefore he can reduce north and south to himself, ergo: both north and south will converge to him.
This movie is full of strange situations and explanations of the same sort : Einstein's theory of relativity, a sociological comparison of the Spice Girls with the Village People, ...
Or you find this kind of conversation extremely fake and far-fetched, or you will love, there is really no third way. I consider myself to be an enthusiast. But even the opponents have to admit that this Belgian (Flemish) movie excels in creativity and originality.