Soccer am is by far the greatest TV programme ever. Every week it gets funnier, the main gags, topless weather, etc... All these things make soccer am what it is. But the man who i personally think makes the show brilliant is Sheephead (Joe Worsley), you thought Lovejoy was a legend, well this guy is a much bigger legend. He is probably the funniest on the show, doing both 'Topless weather' and the main gags, and he also uses the same line every week on the main gag and i never get tired of hearing it, the line is "anyway got to make a stop off in Moscow". The best main gag ever was probably last season, when the 'Crash test dummies' arrived, that was absolutely hilarious, i was absolutely splitting my sides with laughter. But what run that close was the 'Austrailian rules football' where Sheephead and Fenners were dressed up in Aussie rules football gear, that was hilarious because Lovejoy got smacked right across the head by fenners, it wasn't intentional but it was funny. And another hilarious thing that has happened to Lovejoy on the show was when he was being big headed in front of the soccerette saying "im to sexy for my crew" so someone kicked a football right where the sun doesn't shine. So you see its things like this that have made Soccer AM such a successful show, and thats just a little taster of the hundreds of things that have happened on this legendary show