Tells the story of Nora, a former factory girl who has rejected the proposal of the royal family, Tengku Faizal. Tengku Farid, Tengku Faizal's younger brother was offended by Nora rejecting ... Read allTells the story of Nora, a former factory girl who has rejected the proposal of the royal family, Tengku Faizal. Tengku Farid, Tengku Faizal's younger brother was offended by Nora rejecting his brother's love. He was determined to clean up his family's good name and bring Nora in... Read allTells the story of Nora, a former factory girl who has rejected the proposal of the royal family, Tengku Faizal. Tengku Farid, Tengku Faizal's younger brother was offended by Nora rejecting his brother's love. He was determined to clean up his family's good name and bring Nora into his brother's arms. Meanwhile, Nora still has hope for Zul, a television station camera... Read all