This film begins with a woman by the name of "Anna" (Rosaria della Femmina) being angry over the fact that her husband "Mario" (Gianni Gori) is having an affair with a young woman named "Yasmine" (Annamaria Clementi). So she decides to leave him. Unfortunately, Mario is a member of a criminal organization in Greece which has recently decided on a plan to smuggle heroin from there to the United States. Since Mario is essentially in charge of this operation the fear is that Anna might know too much which would jeopardize the entire operation. So Mario tells his henchmen to bring her back and if she resists then to kill her. Meanwhile, during the shipment phase of the operation the heroin is stolen by an unidentified group of people. Realizing that his situation within the organization is now at great risk Mario is tasked with finding the group responsible and retrieving the stolen merchandise. What he doesn't know is that there is someone within the organization who was responsible for the theft and that his every move is being closely scrutinized. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a low-budget crime-drama that featured gratuitous nudity and an extremely abrupt ending which created more questions than it answered. Additionally, although the actors names are shown on the credits they don't list the characters beside them which further adds to the confusion. In short, this was a poorly made film and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.