In the village of Yede Pipani Bajirao Waghmare is a retired police officer currently looking after the arrangement of village fair.While he wants to keep a Tamasha performance for villagers but Lakshya wants to have a drama for the villagers he is against his idea as he also loves his daughter Radha.Bajirao gets information that a criminal Bhojraj is about to loot the village jewelry and starts to train villagers for safety along with Lakshya.Bhojraj is lookalike of Lakshya and manages bluff Bajirao and run from the village stealing his gold medal without looting the jewelry.Bajirao gets felicitated by villagers thinking he spoiled Bhojraj's plan and is called back to Mumbai police force to capture Bhojraj.Lakshya to reaches Mumbai to catch Bhojraj where he is mistaken and put behind bars.