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In a bonfire, a woman dances sensually.
A man licks his lips as he stares at a silhouette of a woman dressing.
A man stalks a woman and ends up grabbing her attempting to assault her but is freed.
After a prank, a woman blows a kiss.
A few dance scenes include a few suggestive moves.
In one song, men cross dress.
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A woman gets dragged out of the house across the hard floor.
A woman mentioned her blood being washed on the floor by men and herself.
A man gets bumped over by a bull as part of the game.
After saving a woman from drowning, a man drops her to the ground. She is fine.
Ajay holds onto a bull's horns and knocks it to the ground.
A woman crashes her car onto a truck of milk.
A woman slaps another woman.
A house gets gunned down and the man comes in and hold a man hostage but instead stole his money.
A man gets caught in a net, is lifted and is dropped down. He frees himself and beats a bunch of men. Hand-to-hand including a knife but doesn't stab them.
After being saved from assault, a man fights 3 men.
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Ajay fearlessly battles against a bull during a game.
The opening is spooky because of a ritual.
An old man attempts suicide by hanging himself on a ceiling fan but is interrupted by gunfire.
An attempted assault occurs.
Some violent scenes are not overly intense.
In some scenes, people are threatened with guns and almost get shot.
A house gets somewhat gunned down.
A house gets burnt down.
A woman is captured by men in the middle of the road and is strangled by a rope and dies.
The final 30 minutes is very intense.