Nearly 6 years after the OVA, The A!MG movie is finally released. With a huge budget and a interesting story the movie really delivers. The movie takes place about 2 years after the events in the OVAs and charecters from the Manga make their screen debuet(personally I was very happy to see Peroth on the screen). The film features lavish hand done animation, It nearly brought a tear to my eye(not only because it was so good, but because hand-painted anime is quickly becoming a thing of the past). The Plot of the film basicly comes down to this(I don`t wanna give too much away)One day, a person from far back in Belldandy's past apears and Jepordizes Kenichi's Relationship w/ Belldandy. The Voice acting is what I would expect from this movie the voice actors do not deviate from their established charecters. I was very, very impressed by the sound. The Special Edition DVD has a wonderfull DTS mix, it is one of the finest ones I have ever had the privelege to listen to. All and all I would highly recommend the film if you are allready a fan of the OVAs.