10 reviews
I bought this thinking I was gonna see Olivier Gruner kick some butt for 90 minutes but no the reasonably impressive cast including Michael Madson, Michael Ironside and Martin Kove are all wasted in mere cameos as they make way for the introduction of new action star Dan Anderson. The film also known in another name as Last line of defence 2 an apparant sequal to another film Gruner was in as the lead as a different character. What is the point? the first which I have not seen is apparantly about an alien or something, this is completley different featuring a story about a disgraced army guy (can't remeber who he worked for) who needs to rasie 5 million for a special new cancer treatment that will save his son and other children. Michael Ironside plays a wealthy business man who is of course a dirty scoundral who is swimming in dirty ill-gotten money. He laughs at Dan Andersons character and refuses to give it. Dan decides to steal it from him with the help of some ex colleagues from the special forces and his new workmates in his office job. This film looks painfully cheap throughout, no explosions barely any action of which is wafer thin, with little special effects such as squibs and bullet holes neccassary to add depth to any action scene and fight choreography is uninspired as is the fact that there seems to be not one good stunt. All action flicks from the bid busdgets to home movies should have some sort of dangerous stunt in it. Dan Anderson is bad, I doubt he will evr work again, he can't act, I see no sign of any fighting ability, he is nothing more than a beefy bloke who has been scraped from the bottom of the action barrell. So many people could have been cast here, you look at the amount of actionb stars there are out there, even the like of Don the Dragon and Gary Daniels, Billy Blanks can act better than this guy plus they are all martial artists. The best acting in this probably comes from Gruner which is saying something, Madson and Ironside are wasted but are merely coasting through happy to pick up there cheques for minimal effort. The possibilities the plot had are wasted, the script is poor and the direction flat, there is nothing to hold your attention, certainly not the painfully wooden Anderson who is either an Ex-American football player or a stunt man turned actor. He's bid but in no way looks bad, he just doesn't have an action man look of toughness he can give out,Gruner has this and it makes you think he would have been so much better in the lead. Why in all honesty they made this movie is beyond me it is so uninspired. I have been tricked. The cover of the DVD I rented has Gruner, Madsen and Ironside on the front so I naturally thought this was an Olivier flick, by this fact I wasn't expecting too much but I was shocked at the appalling use of mis-advertising. 2/10 (the two is for idea, but there are no marks for the execution)
- supertom-3
- Jan 17, 2002
- Permalink
Well, I already knew about the shameless advertising this movie is guilty of before going into it. The names of Michael Ironside, Michael Madsen and Oliver Gruner are displayed in big letters on the front-cover of the DVD, yet they only have supporting rolls in this flick. The leading character, John Kennedy Brascoe, a (soon to be former) Navy S.E.A.L. lieutenant, is portrayed by Dan Andersen. Now where the hell did they find this guy and who is he? Apparently he did this one and only movie in 2001 and then completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Because I am so intrigued by this, I guess I'm going to do a little internet research on this man. It's already very obvious that the film-makers were trying to introduce him as the next big action star, but sadly that plan failed miserably. Now I must say that he at least tried to put down a performance of some sort, but as an actor, his skills are extremely limited. And on top of that it seems that he somewhat feels uncomfortable in front of a camera. Other than that, no offense please, the guy's pretty ugly-looking too. But I won't hold that against him, 'cause he can't help that little fact. So, nice try Mr. Andersen and I'm sorry this whole movie-thing didn't seem to have worked out very well for you.
So what about the movie? Well, as an action-flick, this one fails big time. And that's not even because it's poorly executed or something. In the 5-minute-long opening scene, this movie promises to be an action-packed (because of several guns at display) B-movie with an international software-smuggling plot. But after that, to my utmost surprise, this turns into a soap-opera family drama and all this lasts for the next 40(!)minutes or so. Fortunately, during all this, Michael Ironside, Oliver Gruner and Charles Napier have already graced the screen with their limited screen-time. Charles Napier actually only has a little cameo, as he is in only one scene. But it was fun seeing this big-mouthed cult-icon again. Michael Ironside is once again very enjoyable as the filthy rich (and illustriously corrupt) Mr. Baker. And Oliver Gruner? Well, everyone knows the man isn't a great acting talent. But I always have so much fun when I see him delivering his lines with that almost incomprehensible accent of his. He even has trouble saying "I'm taking you out, a$$h@Le!", so you can imaging what fun it is seeing him trying to pronounce "dishonourable discharge". After those 40 minutes, Michael Madsen enters the ring, and well, he's just cool as ice, as always.
Probably the only sequence worth watching is the organized robbery of Mr. Parker's mansion. Another funny line comes from Michael Ironside: "Who in this little soap-opera of yours, would be best served by you dying?". Now, was writer/director Steven Rush trying to be witty here? By applying some self-mockery here and referring to the fact that this whole movie actually is more like a soap-opera than an action-movie anyway. Or maybe Michael Ironside came up with that line himself, after having read the script? I sure would love to give him some credit for that. And even more funny was the fact that Mr. Parker had to give no less than 3 hints to John Brascoe before he could guess who placed the hit-contract on his head. I mean, how dumb is this ex-Navy S.E.A.L character? And there are even some more enjoyable but extremely uninspired and predictable twists in the plot. And of course the obligatory love-interest (including love-scene) for Johnny Brascoe.
Now, I can somehow imagine that on paper this screenplay perhaps didn't even look that bad. It's just sad that this movie neither works as an action movie or a drama (with the latter aspect being portrait in a just too cheap type of fashion). And strangely I didn't even mind wasting 90 minutes of a lazy Sunday afternoon on EXTREME HONOR. Must have been because of Ironside, Madsen and Gruner's funny accent. So there you have the 3 solid points this movie deserves.
So what about the movie? Well, as an action-flick, this one fails big time. And that's not even because it's poorly executed or something. In the 5-minute-long opening scene, this movie promises to be an action-packed (because of several guns at display) B-movie with an international software-smuggling plot. But after that, to my utmost surprise, this turns into a soap-opera family drama and all this lasts for the next 40(!)minutes or so. Fortunately, during all this, Michael Ironside, Oliver Gruner and Charles Napier have already graced the screen with their limited screen-time. Charles Napier actually only has a little cameo, as he is in only one scene. But it was fun seeing this big-mouthed cult-icon again. Michael Ironside is once again very enjoyable as the filthy rich (and illustriously corrupt) Mr. Baker. And Oliver Gruner? Well, everyone knows the man isn't a great acting talent. But I always have so much fun when I see him delivering his lines with that almost incomprehensible accent of his. He even has trouble saying "I'm taking you out, a$$h@Le!", so you can imaging what fun it is seeing him trying to pronounce "dishonourable discharge". After those 40 minutes, Michael Madsen enters the ring, and well, he's just cool as ice, as always.
Probably the only sequence worth watching is the organized robbery of Mr. Parker's mansion. Another funny line comes from Michael Ironside: "Who in this little soap-opera of yours, would be best served by you dying?". Now, was writer/director Steven Rush trying to be witty here? By applying some self-mockery here and referring to the fact that this whole movie actually is more like a soap-opera than an action-movie anyway. Or maybe Michael Ironside came up with that line himself, after having read the script? I sure would love to give him some credit for that. And even more funny was the fact that Mr. Parker had to give no less than 3 hints to John Brascoe before he could guess who placed the hit-contract on his head. I mean, how dumb is this ex-Navy S.E.A.L character? And there are even some more enjoyable but extremely uninspired and predictable twists in the plot. And of course the obligatory love-interest (including love-scene) for Johnny Brascoe.
Now, I can somehow imagine that on paper this screenplay perhaps didn't even look that bad. It's just sad that this movie neither works as an action movie or a drama (with the latter aspect being portrait in a just too cheap type of fashion). And strangely I didn't even mind wasting 90 minutes of a lazy Sunday afternoon on EXTREME HONOR. Must have been because of Ironside, Madsen and Gruner's funny accent. So there you have the 3 solid points this movie deserves.
- Vomitron_G
- Dec 2, 2006
- Permalink
"Extreme Honor" has one thing going for it: A hilarious title! As an added bonus, a character uses it in a sentence! "You have a lot of honor, You have extreme honor." If you are renting it for the usual mugging by Michael Ironside, Oliver Gruner and Michael Madsen, you'll be disappointed. They don't have a lot of screen time.
The gunfight at the end is so fake, it's funny. Instead of bullets flying through the air like a John Woo movie, it just shows a flash of the gun and a sound effect. If you love that idea, let me introduce you to "Red Serpent"....
For more insanity, check out: comeuppancereviews.com
The gunfight at the end is so fake, it's funny. Instead of bullets flying through the air like a John Woo movie, it just shows a flash of the gun and a sound effect. If you love that idea, let me introduce you to "Red Serpent"....
For more insanity, check out: comeuppancereviews.com
- tarbosh22000
- May 11, 2010
- Permalink
Not so much a review as an attempt to sort out the problems with the title. This film may be called "Last Line of Defense 2" in the UK but it was NOT made to be a sequel to "Last Line of Defense" (aka Interceptors, aka Interceptor Force), the alien fighting film, which (by unlucky coincidence) also starred Olivier Gruner...
There is another film called Interceptor Force 2 which *is* a sequel to the "Last Line of Defense" alien fighting movie which keeps Gruner as the same character and which, probably to avoid this confusion, is now available under the title "They Have Returned" in the UK (or "Alpha Force in Australia/USA)
Both the alien fighting films are directed by Phillip Roth.
There is another film called Interceptor Force 2 which *is* a sequel to the "Last Line of Defense" alien fighting movie which keeps Gruner as the same character and which, probably to avoid this confusion, is now available under the title "They Have Returned" in the UK (or "Alpha Force in Australia/USA)
Both the alien fighting films are directed by Phillip Roth.
I was very curious about EXTREME HONOR because of the cast, the genre, the fact that is available on YouTube and also because since it has 3,4 I wanted to give it a chance because, maybe it couldn't have been that bad. Boy, I was wrong. Please read the following text.
John Kennedy Brascoe (Dan Andersen) is a marine that at the beginning is seen killing another man in self-defense during a robbery and soon he is thrown out from the Marines because in the accident the son of the robber died. Soon John goes to Samuel Baker (Michael Ironside) for discussing the situation since his son is ill and Samuel says that he can't do anything and that another marine had to enter the unit. John then manages to do a robbery in Baker's mansion with the help of Frank Sparks (Michael Madsen) that go in his caveau and rob anything they can. After lots of nonsense John will find the responsible of the framing and his son, but who cares?
The problems: 1) none of the characters (except probably Madsen's) was relatable or close to be a human being as they all acted like caricatures: Baker was a jerk that even forced two gold diggers to pose like he wanted, Brascoe looked like a huge doofus (and that's why Dan Andersen never made movies after this one) and the rest are quite forgettable. The acting is on par with the qualities of the characters.
2) Some of the actions didn't make a lot of sense, and the editing was all over the place. For istance, when Sparks and his men go for the robbery and (after not showing how they blindfolded Baker) John puts a CD of classical music, and when the heist is over they open a bottle of champagne despite we haven't seen that coming and there was not that much time for taking the bottle safely to the caveaux. After a while a sniper tries to murder Brascoe while he is jogging and even tho the bullet could have hit him istantly, the bullet hits a biker that was a few steps near him. For the sake of the plot of for making the movie even longer? We don't know. And some of the scenes where the bad guys get shot are dizzy. Now I don't know if it's the print that I found on YouTube or the movie itself but I didn't saw Brascoe shooting Baker in the head, but the car door opening and Baker falling to the ground. And especially towards the end there was the VHS marking time, just proof that whoever uploaded it was bored to death too.
3) The entire thing is boring and a chore to sit through, and believe me, after it was over I felt the urge of going to bed. And although it's labeled as an action movie, there isn't even that much action.
After all I said, it's clear I won't recommend EXTREME HONOR to anybody, not even bad movie fans because it's THAT boring and sloppy and might induce some head-ache. Good concept... but bad execution. The recipe for disaster.
John Kennedy Brascoe (Dan Andersen) is a marine that at the beginning is seen killing another man in self-defense during a robbery and soon he is thrown out from the Marines because in the accident the son of the robber died. Soon John goes to Samuel Baker (Michael Ironside) for discussing the situation since his son is ill and Samuel says that he can't do anything and that another marine had to enter the unit. John then manages to do a robbery in Baker's mansion with the help of Frank Sparks (Michael Madsen) that go in his caveau and rob anything they can. After lots of nonsense John will find the responsible of the framing and his son, but who cares?
The problems: 1) none of the characters (except probably Madsen's) was relatable or close to be a human being as they all acted like caricatures: Baker was a jerk that even forced two gold diggers to pose like he wanted, Brascoe looked like a huge doofus (and that's why Dan Andersen never made movies after this one) and the rest are quite forgettable. The acting is on par with the qualities of the characters.
2) Some of the actions didn't make a lot of sense, and the editing was all over the place. For istance, when Sparks and his men go for the robbery and (after not showing how they blindfolded Baker) John puts a CD of classical music, and when the heist is over they open a bottle of champagne despite we haven't seen that coming and there was not that much time for taking the bottle safely to the caveaux. After a while a sniper tries to murder Brascoe while he is jogging and even tho the bullet could have hit him istantly, the bullet hits a biker that was a few steps near him. For the sake of the plot of for making the movie even longer? We don't know. And some of the scenes where the bad guys get shot are dizzy. Now I don't know if it's the print that I found on YouTube or the movie itself but I didn't saw Brascoe shooting Baker in the head, but the car door opening and Baker falling to the ground. And especially towards the end there was the VHS marking time, just proof that whoever uploaded it was bored to death too.
3) The entire thing is boring and a chore to sit through, and believe me, after it was over I felt the urge of going to bed. And although it's labeled as an action movie, there isn't even that much action.
After all I said, it's clear I won't recommend EXTREME HONOR to anybody, not even bad movie fans because it's THAT boring and sloppy and might induce some head-ache. Good concept... but bad execution. The recipe for disaster.
- bellino-angelo2014
- Dec 14, 2022
- Permalink
Yes, this film is quite awful which, I am afraid, is ultimately the director's fault. It does not help that the story is very thin and the action almost awkward.
However, this Dan Andersen intrigues me -- not just the great body but also the vulnerable giant quality. He seems to have a bit of an accent. What is it? Danish, like the name Andersen? His acting makes fellow beefcake Vin Diesel look like Lawrence Olivier? Nonetheless, to a certain point acting is a skill that can be worked on.
Any information on Dan Andersen would be appreciated. Usually thorough IMDb has nothing on him. Even Google can't find him.
However, this Dan Andersen intrigues me -- not just the great body but also the vulnerable giant quality. He seems to have a bit of an accent. What is it? Danish, like the name Andersen? His acting makes fellow beefcake Vin Diesel look like Lawrence Olivier? Nonetheless, to a certain point acting is a skill that can be worked on.
Any information on Dan Andersen would be appreciated. Usually thorough IMDb has nothing on him. Even Google can't find him.
- harding-home
- Jul 14, 2005
- Permalink
Wow, where does one start with a movie like Extreme Honor? I caught it on TV a few days ago and I can tell you that I now have an answer for the next person who asks me what's the worst movie I've ever seen.
Yes it's that bad! Everything in this movie is bad. The acting is comical, the action is awkward, the screenplay is badly written et cetera. The lead man, Dan Andersen, is about as charming as an old toothbrush and he obviously has no experience or talent for acting. While watching this movie I kept asking myself, was there no one in the process of making this that realized how poor this movie is?
I couldn't find a trailer for this movie anywhere but I suggest looking up "Extreme honor Scene 5" on youtube for a preview.
The only reason one should watch this pathetic excuse for a movie is for a good laugh at the awkwardness that this movie is.
Yes it's that bad! Everything in this movie is bad. The acting is comical, the action is awkward, the screenplay is badly written et cetera. The lead man, Dan Andersen, is about as charming as an old toothbrush and he obviously has no experience or talent for acting. While watching this movie I kept asking myself, was there no one in the process of making this that realized how poor this movie is?
I couldn't find a trailer for this movie anywhere but I suggest looking up "Extreme honor Scene 5" on youtube for a preview.
The only reason one should watch this pathetic excuse for a movie is for a good laugh at the awkwardness that this movie is.
- kristinarnors
- Oct 31, 2009
- Permalink
Kelly Kennedy is an amazing talent!!!! No need for a pace or plot here, this spectacular piece of feces rocks my world.....
This film if i can call it that is put simply bad. It has no redeming fetures at all, i bought this thinking it was grunner flick but no he fetures so little that in any other film he would be listed as an extra. and what about Michael Madsen who can when he tries be brillient if not diverse but he along with ironside is wasted. But what makes this one of the worst films ive ever seen is the lead dear lord if any man deserve to be shot based on a performace in a film its him, wooden, to beefy and he didnt even look like a military man. This film looks to me to be made as some kind of ego boost for rich people, the idea being that somone rich wants to be an action star and they pay to have a film in which they star and there are a whole troop of b movie actors ready to line up next to them. whilst this may sound like a conspirisy after watching this film you may start to belive. this film deseves no point becaus it succseads on no levels.
This was nothing like Last Line of Defence (part 1).
I was really disappointed.
I love Olivier Gruner usually! Please try harder.
I shall watch his next film with interest.
I was really disappointed.
I love Olivier Gruner usually! Please try harder.
I shall watch his next film with interest.