Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 (2000 Video Game)
Rick Cramer: Watch Officer Jerry Boyd
Female officer : [the White House is shown] Mr. President, it's General Carville of the Pentagon on line 5.
President Michael Dugan : [Presses on his Speaker Phone] This is Dugan.
Gen. Ben Carville : Mr. President, I'm afraid we have a heck of a situation down here.
President Michael Dugan : [Signals to his aide to leave and she leaves] How bad could it be, Ben?
Gen. Ben Carville : According to NORAD we've got Soviet aircraft coming at us from all directions and ground troops pushing up through Mexico. I don't know how they snuck in on us.
President Michael Dugan : You better double check this with NORAD. This doesn't make any sense. I'll call the Kremlin,
Gen. Ben Carville : Will do.
[Hangs up the phone]
Gen. Ben Carville : [Then Dugan reaches for one of his red telephones that's labeled Moscow]
Premier Alexander Romanov : [Picks up the phone] Da, Premier Romanov here.
President Michael Dugan : What's going on over there, Alex?
Premier Alexander Romanov : Why, Mr. President. Why ever do you mean?
President Michael Dugan : Alex, I...
[His aide shows him a Top Secret file and he looks at it]
President Michael Dugan : I have um... you're throwing everything you've got at us Alex. We're supposed to be Allies, you maniac. I'm the on that put you into office.
Premier Alexander Romanov : Listen very carefully. I'm not your pet, Mr. president. We Romanovs have a legancy to consider.
President Michael Dugan : I don't giave a wooden nickle about your legancy. You call them off. Alex, you call them off. You know, we'll retaliate.
Premier Alexander Romanov : [Looking up towards Yuri, who also picks up a phone] Oh, don't be so sure Mr. President.
[Hangs up the phone]
Gen. Ben Carville : [Putting Carville on speaker phone] Sir.
President Michael Dugan : Verification?
Gen. Ben Carville : You betcha.
President Michael Dugan : Sweet Mother. It's time to hit back, make it happen.
Gen. Ben Carville : Yes sir.
[Signals to activate a modem sounding device]
Gen. Ben Carville : This is General Carville. Sovietinvasion confirmed.
[the scene goes to 2 officers in a nuclear missile launching complex]
Gen. Ben Carville : Execute launch order: 0,1,0, Alpha, Delta, Charlie.
Watch Officer Jerry Boyd : We have confirmation. Missiles primed.
Watch Officer #2 : [Opens up a box] Armed.
Watch Officer Jerry Boyd : [the phone rings and Boyd answers it] Missile command.
[a strange niose is on the other end and Boyds becomes weird]
Watch Officer #2 : 10 seconds to launch. Open the missile silos.
[Boy takes out his gun]
Watch Officer #2 : Jerry, what? We have to open the silos or they'll explode on the...
[Boyd pulls the hammer back on his gun]
Watch Officer #2 : The Silo dorrs are closed. This is suicide!
[the Missiles fire ad explode once they hit the silo doors, destroying the complex]
Premier Alexander Romanov : Is it done, Yuri?
Yuri : [Revealing himself] No, commerade Premier. It has only begun.