Mary Gross, sister of Michael Gross, plays a small part in this movie as the mom who has the line "Thank you, Mr. Goober". She is listed in the credits as "Tourist Mom".
In the scene involving the tourist mother and son conversing with Burt Gummer, the boy asks for his picture to be taken with 'the tremor', playing on a common misconception that the title 'Tremors' was also the name of the creatures despite the fact they are actually referred to as 'graboids' in the previous films.
In 2001, a Tremors video game was announced to be in production. Being developed by Rock Solid Games, Tremors: The Game was said to be an third person survival horror action shooter that also incorporated heavy open map sandbox style game play elements as well. Set for a December 2003 release on PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, and PC, the game was quietly canceled in the summer of 2003 due to a "lack of fan base for the game" and fears that the game would severely under-perform. Little is known about the game, except actors Michael Gross, Frank Welker, Keith David, and Shawn Christian have all said to have completed at least a good portion of their voice acting, and several character, vehicle, and monster models have been released online. Other than that, barely anything is known about what the game would've involved, and no test footage of the game has ever been released.
El Blanco is a nod to Moby Dick by Herman Melville, an old, albino whale, whose behavior was unusual for his species. This is confirmed by Burt's comment when he first sees the El Blanco, "Call me Ishmael." However, in an inverted parallelism to Moby Dick, who was an aggressive specimen of a naturally passive species, El Blanco is a passive specimen of a naturally aggressive species. Also, in the novel it is Captain Ahab who pursues Moby Dick, while in this case El Blanco pursues Burt.