21 reviews
While wandering through the new release section of my local video-store I saw this movie on the shelf and thought it might be interesting...all I can say is that I was reminded again of the old adage "never judge a book by its cover". There are several quotes on the box-cover from people making cryptic compliments such as "The best movie that director Max Cerchi has ever shot" which I sincerely hope reads in its entirety "This is a terrible film, but sadly it is the best movie that director Max Cerchi has ever shot". Also, several of the quotes are from web-sites, and I have yet to establish if they actually exist. If by some miracle these web-sites do somehow exist, I find it amazing that someone in their right mind would endorse this joke.
I understand that the budget for this miniscule, but come on, budget constraints don't need to limit all originality. Every single "Legendary murder" by Quiltface is done either off-camera or is simply a fake machete held against someone and wiggled for effect. It was hilarious the first time, but when they used the same trick 5 more times it became clear that the makers weren't even going to try and do something interesting. The camera-work was a joke, low-budget or not...I mean at least try framing a few shots here and there. The acting was pretty bad, but I wasn't expecting much here...though I must say hearing the lead male character's high-pitched screams for the last 10-15 minutes had me close to shutting off the movie. It was so unbelievably annoying, it just fit perfectly with the rest of this sorry excuse for a film.
But perhaps this film is of some importance, as it should inspire anyone with a video camera to run to the desert to make a slasher flick, because they cannot possibly do worse than this. Please do not think that I am saying this film is "so bad it is good", but rather trying to emphasize that this film is "so bad it is just plain bad."
I understand that the budget for this miniscule, but come on, budget constraints don't need to limit all originality. Every single "Legendary murder" by Quiltface is done either off-camera or is simply a fake machete held against someone and wiggled for effect. It was hilarious the first time, but when they used the same trick 5 more times it became clear that the makers weren't even going to try and do something interesting. The camera-work was a joke, low-budget or not...I mean at least try framing a few shots here and there. The acting was pretty bad, but I wasn't expecting much here...though I must say hearing the lead male character's high-pitched screams for the last 10-15 minutes had me close to shutting off the movie. It was so unbelievably annoying, it just fit perfectly with the rest of this sorry excuse for a film.
But perhaps this film is of some importance, as it should inspire anyone with a video camera to run to the desert to make a slasher flick, because they cannot possibly do worse than this. Please do not think that I am saying this film is "so bad it is good", but rather trying to emphasize that this film is "so bad it is just plain bad."
- Lucky__Boy
- Dec 17, 2002
- Permalink
This is the worst film I have seen in a very, very long time. Perhaps EVER. As an independent filmmaker (currently at work on my first major feature length movie, CONQUEST OF AREA 52), I know how hard it is to make movies with little to spend. But I was making better movies as a Sophomore in high school with $50 in my wallet as a budget than this pathetic excuse for a "movie." I'm not sure if I have ever seen a movie shot this poorly or with such little ambition, creativity, or craft. It looks like it was shot on Hi-8 Video (I shoot in DV and would be shocked if this was actually DV), and to no good effect. The "props" and "mask" in the film look very familiar... like I just saw them at my local Spencer's. The script lacks wit, and the performances do nothing to help it. And did I mention this has got to be the WORST camerawork I have ever seen (with the exception of BLAIR WITCH, which was SUPPOSED to look the way it did, and my family's home movies)?! There is no sense of logic or craft to how it was shot, whoever was at the helm must have been asleep at the wheel or he really just did not care what it looked like. There is no indication in this film that the cameraman had any idea what words like "framing" or "composition" meant.
The fact that our serial killer Quiltface is able to stand 20 feet from several people in the middle of the open desert and not be seen does NOT work in any fashion- camp nor horror- and best explains the rest of the movie.
I'm sorry, makers of "Carnage Road" (or "Carnage: The Legend of Quiltface" as the video cover says), but if you ever go out and try to make a movie again, please, PLLLEEEEASE do it with a little care, if not TALENT.
At least Ed Wood could have made this fun to watch.
The fact that our serial killer Quiltface is able to stand 20 feet from several people in the middle of the open desert and not be seen does NOT work in any fashion- camp nor horror- and best explains the rest of the movie.
I'm sorry, makers of "Carnage Road" (or "Carnage: The Legend of Quiltface" as the video cover says), but if you ever go out and try to make a movie again, please, PLLLEEEEASE do it with a little care, if not TALENT.
At least Ed Wood could have made this fun to watch.
I bought this movie at a local video store for a measly 3 bucks. I thought it would be hilarious, I had seen the trailer for it on the Terror Toons tape I recently rented, and I was starting to get into Brain Damage Film's trashy movies. Well, this movie isn't even really bad in a funny way, it is just...bad. Some of the kills are funny, because they look so fake. I don't know what they used for blood in this movie but it looks like red colored water. Not even think, just red water. And the main guy screams like a girl, starts off hysterical but gets old really quick. Also, Quiltface is hilarious...you can see where his mask ends, that is classic. Also, the guy who takes them over to the desert or whatever and warns them about the "Legend of Quiltface" is also hilarious. What a moron. And quiltface, leatherface? See a connection? Only watch if you are a really big sucker for bad movies with guys who scream like a 4 year old who wants to buy a toy bunny.
Ugh, don't waste your time on this piece of garbage. The acting is horrible, the plot is so thin it's invisible, the audio is nearly unintelligible most of the time. Why was this even made? I seriously doubt the budget was even $1000 for this. Yes, it's that bad. I love low-budget horror movies, but this is just so horrible it lacks any merits or entertainment. A pre-schooler could do a better film. Avoid this like the plague!
- manicgecko
- May 19, 2006
- Permalink
More people need to see this flick. Straight up. It is honestly the worst movie I have ever seen. I mean, I know kids in high school putting out better stuff than this. Please vote this in as number one. If you've seen it, then you can testify; horrible. Plain and simple. This is the type of film that makes Ed Wood's work look like Scorsese! The fact that I found this film by chance all the better. The only thing that sucks is that I threw it in the frigging dumpster right after I watched it. It was that bad.
Because looking back. I shouldn't have tossed it. I wish I could've saved this little anti-gem. Such an officious item should be cared for much better than that. I tell you just see it and tell me, honestly that you have seen anything worse. This thing could make Crossover look like Hoosiers. Sorry about all the metaphors, but to give a dissertation on this film would be pointless. It couldn't even use the simple, basic, run of the mill formula BS that has been used in horror flicks for aeon's now. How any producer could actually screen this and say; "Wow fellas this is an awesome movie. Lets actually try to sell this turd!" Come on! Crossover, Anne Beans and Franks Be Real. Whatever! You ain't got nothing on this!!
Because looking back. I shouldn't have tossed it. I wish I could've saved this little anti-gem. Such an officious item should be cared for much better than that. I tell you just see it and tell me, honestly that you have seen anything worse. This thing could make Crossover look like Hoosiers. Sorry about all the metaphors, but to give a dissertation on this film would be pointless. It couldn't even use the simple, basic, run of the mill formula BS that has been used in horror flicks for aeon's now. How any producer could actually screen this and say; "Wow fellas this is an awesome movie. Lets actually try to sell this turd!" Come on! Crossover, Anne Beans and Franks Be Real. Whatever! You ain't got nothing on this!!
Four unlucky photography students head into the Nevada desert to take photos for an extra credit assignment,but they find themselves stalked by a vicious machete-wielding killer Quiltface who wears a mask made from human skin.Massimiliano Cerchi's "Carnage Road" is an incredibly poor slasher film filled with atrocious acting and stupid characters.The pacing is awful,the death scenes via machete are weak and the gore effects are amateurish."Carnage Road" plays like the homage to "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "The Hills Have Eyes",but offers nothing fresh or interesting.Thankfully Mack Hail of "Nutbag" fame is amazingly funny as the driver who picks up four students and so is the final confrontation between Quiltface and the last survivor.Watch this only under the influence of alcohol.3 out of 10.
- HumanoidOfFlesh
- May 17, 2006
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- Leofwine_draca
- Mar 17, 2017
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- UltimaGabe
- Jan 22, 2008
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- daniel-mannouch
- Oct 18, 2019
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Okay anyone who said this movie wasn't worth anyones time is a moron. this movie is ridiculous. Terrible acting (obviously terrible at that) and over the top cliché characters. This movie is some funny stuff. I suppose if your loking for a mochery movie than this is great. Quiltface is the "murderer" and probably has some of the funniest movements I have ever seen. All of Quiltface's attire and accessories can be purchased at your local holloween/party shop for a mere 30 bucks. You yourself could probably make this movie with a few friends and a few bucks. Knowing it was made on such a low budgit and knowing how much fun these people most likely had making this flick makes it even more fun to watch...so sit back and enjoy the CARNAGE(the legend of Quiltface)!!!
- hackdup4barbeque
- Aug 11, 2003
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- thetruefalcon
- May 19, 2006
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I must say that I hate these cheaply shot direct to video turds. They are most often found on the DVD multi-packs with 3 other crappy movies from the same company. On one hand I respect the little guys trying to make fun horror movies. I just wish they weren't so bad. This one is particularly awful. The acting, especially by the lead male, is ham at its worst. It is clear that the actors are given very little to work with, often asked to draw scenes out well beyond their logical conclusion. The premise of "quiltface" lacks any imagination at all, and we are given no reason to feel suspense, let alone horror. I'm not even sure why I am reviewing this as a normal movie. It plays like a sub-par film school project, and should be treated as such.
- TrickTaylor
- Sep 12, 2007
- Permalink
This movie is so bad. One thing is this movie called "Carnage: Legend of Quiltface" or is it "Carnage Road". If you look closely. You will see that for some small changes it's a copy of "Camp Blood". Which stinks by itself. Not to mention the rotten ending. A horror doesn't have to have a bad ending just to be a horror movie. It's jsut sloppy writing, just to have a mess of sequels. Here's a hint. If it's made by "Brain Damage Films" then I pass if I were you.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being best)
-100 STARS
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being best)
-100 STARS
- lordzedd-2
- Jan 14, 2003
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Max Cerchi does not know how to direct a good film. He has also scammed a lot of people of money. I actually did not know where the story was going. avoid this movie at by all means
- MrRamone420
- Mar 20, 2018
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- nogodnomasters
- Apr 15, 2019
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- Johnnyinsanity
- Jan 22, 2004
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Carnage: The Legend of Quiltface is a grimy, rotgut, redundant slasher from very marginal cult horror director Massimiliano Cerchi who also did Satan Claus and Hellinger. This also has involvement from both Polonia brothers back in happier times when John was still around. The movie starts with two idiots going out to the Nevada desert to take photos for a college class. The overly-freckly girl almost immediately gets topless and it turns into a sex scene with both participants wearing pants. They are hacked to death by titular killer with a prop machete which is used in all the kills here. After the credits we meet the main characters including a young couple. The girl showers and can't be bothered to show any nudity. She's played by the foxy young Molinee Green in her debut film, after this she would get over her shyness and spend the rest of her fairly lengthy career in the disgusting pornography industry. To quote Gen. Patton about the sham Nürnberg trials, "it's not cricket and is Semitic". Later on she would offer her body to Quiltface to save herself foreshadowing her later career of offering her naked body on screen to make a living. Most men of a certain ideological slant understandingly frown on pornography but that makes me wonder what they whack it to. Triumph of the Will? Tasteful nudes of Savitri Devi? Their collection of Castle Hill books? Next we are introduced to the other two main characters a vain, kind of attractive redhead and a dork she puts in his place by making him realize a pretty woman can only be interested in a man's bank account.
It turns out these are classmates of the two people slaughtered in the beginning and they are heading out to the barren desert landscape to take photographs instead of taking them of the Vegas strip like the rest of their class. Who wants to hang out in the hot desert when you can go play video slots with cool bonus games and craps with up to 100x odds? They are driven there by a surly, foul-mouthed guy who looks like he should be fronting a Pantera cover band. For the next while we get to watch them walk around and take a few photos of the not very exciting desert environs. Quiltface kills the dorky guy offscreen with a machete. Eventually the group is hacked down to one and it's unfortunately the foxy girl's boyfriend. He's pretty tough as he survives having the machete buried deep in his skull. It does affect him though as he spends the rest of the movie kind of stumbling around like an idiot while trying to survive the wrath of Quiltface and his accomplice, an ugly desert mountain man with a fat gut who can't afford a shirt with buttons. They are both 'Nam vets and Quiltface had his face shot off in that pointless war and the other guy made him a new face out of the faces of people stupid enough to wander into the barren desert. They are killing people due to being bitter over how the vets were treated after the war and are possibly some of McNamara's morons who according to some sources may have died by the hundreds of thousands in that war. It wouldn't be the first time modern wartime causalities were vastly under/over-stated. The film ends on a hopeless note, almost as hopeless as the lives of people who would watch something like this more than once.
As far as low rent slashers go this isn't too bad to me. You get a bit of nudity at the beginning, a few kind of bloody kills and a goofy but kind of scary killer and it's less than 70 minutes long. Nothing in this movie will make you think hard or feel any emotion but indifference which is what I want sometimes after a long day of reading about the depressing world we currently are trapped in. While the desert location isn't that unique it's still a nice change from all the backwoods slashers. The acting is pretty bad as expected with Mack Hail standing out as the surly van driver. One for the really hardcore slasher completionists whose wretched lives have long ceased to have any real meaning and are just kind of going through the motions until their (hopefully) early and unnoticed demise.
It turns out these are classmates of the two people slaughtered in the beginning and they are heading out to the barren desert landscape to take photographs instead of taking them of the Vegas strip like the rest of their class. Who wants to hang out in the hot desert when you can go play video slots with cool bonus games and craps with up to 100x odds? They are driven there by a surly, foul-mouthed guy who looks like he should be fronting a Pantera cover band. For the next while we get to watch them walk around and take a few photos of the not very exciting desert environs. Quiltface kills the dorky guy offscreen with a machete. Eventually the group is hacked down to one and it's unfortunately the foxy girl's boyfriend. He's pretty tough as he survives having the machete buried deep in his skull. It does affect him though as he spends the rest of the movie kind of stumbling around like an idiot while trying to survive the wrath of Quiltface and his accomplice, an ugly desert mountain man with a fat gut who can't afford a shirt with buttons. They are both 'Nam vets and Quiltface had his face shot off in that pointless war and the other guy made him a new face out of the faces of people stupid enough to wander into the barren desert. They are killing people due to being bitter over how the vets were treated after the war and are possibly some of McNamara's morons who according to some sources may have died by the hundreds of thousands in that war. It wouldn't be the first time modern wartime causalities were vastly under/over-stated. The film ends on a hopeless note, almost as hopeless as the lives of people who would watch something like this more than once.
As far as low rent slashers go this isn't too bad to me. You get a bit of nudity at the beginning, a few kind of bloody kills and a goofy but kind of scary killer and it's less than 70 minutes long. Nothing in this movie will make you think hard or feel any emotion but indifference which is what I want sometimes after a long day of reading about the depressing world we currently are trapped in. While the desert location isn't that unique it's still a nice change from all the backwoods slashers. The acting is pretty bad as expected with Mack Hail standing out as the surly van driver. One for the really hardcore slasher completionists whose wretched lives have long ceased to have any real meaning and are just kind of going through the motions until their (hopefully) early and unnoticed demise.
- milkhole213
- Nov 15, 2022
- Permalink
After years of hard work as a prominent Director/Writer in Los Angeles, working with stars like Erik Estrada, Jan Michael Vinncent and Saban Entertainment I have seen hundreds upon hundreds of films.
Massimiliano Cerchi: has a raw talent that screams out from the very screen his movies play on. Carnage road shows, that Las Vegas is a Lost oasis of un-harnsed talent just waiting to explode! The Locations, acting and Direction show more than enthusiasm, but also radiant talent that could possibly make the million dollar leap into major distribution with companys like Artisan or Miramax.
After seeing this film I myself am convinced that Las Vegas is the new British Columbia of the future and Cerchi has shown us this with films like Hellinger and Carange Road.
I anxiously await to see the future that lies ahead of these talented digital filmmakers from the desert oasis known as Las Vegas Nevada, "Where I actually was born myself"
Show them more Massimiliano Cerchi,
Sincerely: Robert RUndle
Massimiliano Cerchi: has a raw talent that screams out from the very screen his movies play on. Carnage road shows, that Las Vegas is a Lost oasis of un-harnsed talent just waiting to explode! The Locations, acting and Direction show more than enthusiasm, but also radiant talent that could possibly make the million dollar leap into major distribution with companys like Artisan or Miramax.
After seeing this film I myself am convinced that Las Vegas is the new British Columbia of the future and Cerchi has shown us this with films like Hellinger and Carange Road.
I anxiously await to see the future that lies ahead of these talented digital filmmakers from the desert oasis known as Las Vegas Nevada, "Where I actually was born myself"
Show them more Massimiliano Cerchi,
Sincerely: Robert RUndle
I was sitting with the director and he called this work his best movie. That's a statement I don't actually agree with, HELLINGER is a much better work. This one has much more camp value thanks to the scripting assistance of the Polonia Brothers. Fans of Micro-budger slashers take note, CARNAGE ROAD is one of the better slasher-with-a-gimmick efforts to come along recently.