- Queen: You look exquisite today, Aura.
- Aura: If I do, Your Highness, it is only because your own beauty, which was increased a hundredfold since your precious daughter was born, makes everything around you seem beautiful as well.
- Grace: I can see from here that even as a baby she is every inch a princess.
- Queen: Thank you, Grace. It is kind of you to say so.
- King: But then everything Grace says is so kind.
- Terpsichore: I am so happy for all of you, I just may dance my shoes off!
- Queen: [laughs] How could you when your feet seldom touch the floor, Terpsichore?
- Melody: [singing to baby Felicity] Hush, my pretty little one, beautiful sweet Felicity. Dry your eyes; you're crying's done. Sing for your godmother Melody.
- Narrator: Next came Amoratta, the fairy whose magical power was the power of love. She was able to love *everyone*, even people others might feel do not deserve it.
- Amoratta: There is much love in this room.
- Queen: Amoratta, we have you to thank, for you bring love wherever you go.
- Amoratta: No, my queen. It is you and your noble husband who have created the love. For the Princess Felicity was created *from* love, and in love may she always live.
- King: Your blessing is most important to us, Amoratta.
- Amoratta: I give it gladly, although your new daughter is the *greatest* blessing of all.
- Wisteria: I am Wisteria, and the gift that I wish for this wisp of a miss is the gift of a wit that will bring her much bliss.
- Grace: I give Felicity the gift of my name, Grace. She will go through her life with smoother than air, with a lightness and ease that makes all others feel good about themselves.
- Melody: [singing to Felicity] She shall have music wherever she goes, for song brings us happiness, everyone knows.
- Amoratta: I bring the gift of love. Felicity's heart shall be so full of this, the noblest of emotions, that she shall never know envy or hatred.
- Odelia: Welcome to the world, little one. Unlike your parents, I doubt if you will ever forget your auntie Odelia.
- King: Now why didn't I think of that?
- Primrose: That's why you're the king and I'm the fairy.
- Princess Felicity: [reading] "And so the brave young knight cast off his shackles and was free at last."
- [thinking]
- Princess Felicity: Oh, how I wish *I* were free at last. I am with Primrose day and night, night and day. "And though he was still only a young man, he had proved himself and was admired by everyone in the land."
- [thinking]
- Princess Felicity: The only one *I* ever prove myself to is Primrose. I'm sixteen years old. I wish I could be alone just once to do as I please.
- Old woman: Can it be that a girl of fine breeding like yourself has never learned how clothing is made?
- Princess Felicity: I am only sixteen. I still have much to learn.
- Odelia: You know, at first I was angry with you for meddling with my curse. But actually, things have worked at quite well.
- Primrose: Ohh, I'll get you, Odelia!
- Odelia: [blocking her] After all, if she had died, it would have been over with, wouldn't it? But to sleep for one hundred years and a day, oh, that was sheer genius, Primrose. When she awakens, everyone she knows and loves will be dead. She will be totally alone; oh, it's brilliant. I congratulate you.
- Odelia: [leaving after activating the curse on Felicity and being confronted by the king] Well, I must be going. You really are a most inhospitable host, Your Majesty.
- Prince Richard: [his horse prances eagerly to try to vault the chasm] In all of our adventures together you have never failed me. If you say you can jump the invisible moat, Intrepid, I believe you.
- [he mounts; Intrepid rears with loud enthusiasm]
- Prince Richard: Then fly, my brave stallion.
- Prince Richard: Felicity. Her name's Felicity; it's perfect. For I know that when I finally find her, true happiness will find us both.
- Primrose: Tell me more.
- Prince Richard: Tell you more? Tell you how ever since I was a mere boy, I have had vivid dreams of finding the princess behind a thick wall of briars and brambles? Tell you how in those dreams, she is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes upon? Tell you how I have fallen in love with the girl in that dream, and spent these last years searching for her, traveling hundreds of leagues from my own kingdom, never resting, never relenting until I find her? Tell you how when I reach her, I will fight any foe, wage any battle, defeat any enemy; I must have her, to hold her, to make her my own.
- Primrose: If you can fight as eloquently as you speak, you should have no problem with Valdar.
- Primrose: [voice fading] Follow the dream you hold in your heart. Follow the dream. Follow the dream. Follow the dream. Follow the dream...
- Prince Richard: It will take more than your clumsy dance step to defeat Prince Richard and his noble steed, monster.
- Valdar: Clumsy? I'll show you clumsy, insolent gnat!
- [blows to repel and disarm him]
- Valdar: What say you now, waker of giants?
- Prince Richard: [reclaiming his sword and remounting] I say you have the most foul breath I have ever smelled, Valdar the Odiferous. But it is heavenly perfume compared to the stench that reeks from your body!
- Prince Richard: We are close now, boy. And you have been a loyal and brave companion as always. But now I must continue on my own. I do not know what demons I will face within. But I must face them alone.
- Prince Richard: It is true, then. She is even more lovely than in my dreams. Do I dare disturb her? What if I find that it is I who slumbers and not her at all? What if this is all just another of my dreams? If it is I don't want to wake up.
- Odelia: You wanted to be with her forever. And now you shall be, prince. I am turning you to stone, so that you will sit with your precious princess for all time.
- Odelia: One week after her sixteenth birthday, the Princess Felicity shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall to the ground, *dead*!
- [cackles]
- Primrose: [gasps] Felicity won't die! Maybe I cannot remove the curse, but I can change it. Here's my gift for you, beautiful Felicity: in your sixteenth year, you shall indeed prick your finger on a spindle, but you will *not* die. Instead, you will fall into a deep sleep, a sleep that will last one hundred years and a day. And on that hundred and first day, you will be awakened by the son of a king. And the moment you awaken from your long slumber, it will *not* be you, but Odelia who shall die!
- [to Amoratta]
- Primrose: I did good?
- Amoratta: You did *very* well.