The animated series "Bailey's Comets",was a sight similarity to that of Hanna-Barbera's own series "Wacky Races",with the expection of one flaw. This was an attempt for the producers of this show to basically match and compete against the supremacy of Hanna-Barbera Productions and also at the time Filmation Productions for the domination of Saturday Morning cartoons. However,Filmation at the time also had a show that copied the "Wacky Races" formula too.
"Bailey's Comets" was basically just like "Wacky Races",but instead of automobiles,they were on skates. It was basically the same premise where teams would compete against each other for a championship but on the same level,you have teams consisting of hillbillies,scientists,and others of interest. This show was produced by the team of DePatie and Freleng(David H. DePatie and legendary cartoon producer Friz Freleng) who were known for there cartoons featuring "The Pink Panther",not to mention "Bugs Bunny". The show hasn't been seen since its original broadcast more than 30 years ago,and the last time it was shown was during Boomerrang Network. It was however,shown on Saturday Mornings on CBS-TV during the 1973-1974 season and 12 episodes were produced.