Due to the age of the young actor, the character Tolo is missing teeth, then has those teeth again out of the chronological sequence of the movie. Particularly his two upper front teeth, which appear fully and then as only just coming in.
After Maria gets raped, she goes into the river to wash herself. She puts her head in the water and wipes her face. In the next shot she is lying on her side washing herself, her hair is dry in front.
The movie had numerous religious errors. This was pre-Vatican II, so the Catholic Church was quite different. Some of the religious errors were not all women wearing something on their heads during Mass, no altar rail, the priest didn't say the correct statement before distributing communion, and they should not have said "Amen" after communion.
When Mr. Lipa's corpse is being viewed by the neighbors, you can see his crossed hands move up and down and tell he's still breathing.