I watched this movie for free with every intention of getting a good laugh from a really bad movie, and that is exactly what I got. So, in the strictest sense, I was not disappointed. However, if I had paid money expecting to be entertained, or perhaps even frightened, I would be unconsolably livid. This movie is not only bad, it's as though a group of high school kids who knew absolutely nothing about filmmaking got together, scribbled down a script on a desk during class, got a camera and let it run, then shrugged their shoulders as their friends play acted in front of some lights. I am not kidding. My entire analogy is there on the screen, no joke. A friend of mine actually worked for the guy who produced this movie (names withheld) and informed me that this thing was shot in only four days. Sounds about right. But let's just say hypothetically, if you've got 96 hours (i.e. four days) to make a movie, AND you're getting paid for it, then why not at least try?