As a fan of television shows and movies that deal with the "What if?"/Alternate Universe type storylines, I found this movie very entertaining. The general story is that a man from the short term future (who was born on Nov. 22, 1963) invents a time machine to stop the Kennedy assassinations. The interesting thing about this movie, as compared to the hundred other similar stories about stopping the assassination is, they let the time traveler succeed. This story is truly a speculation of what may have happened it the Kennedy's were still alive.
While, granted, this film does present a somewhat idealistic view of what might have been, I was just thrilled that half the movie wasn't spent trying to "repair the change in the timeline". Overall, I must say that I really enjoyed this film. It really reminded me of the videogame "Re-Elect JFK" The only real downfall to me was that it was just too short -- I would have liked further speculation. Also, the timeline in this story jumped around a bit, but that was just the style of the writer, and, by the end of the movie, everything made perfect sense.