The Speed Demon
"The Demon" owns a "near" racing car and wishes to enter the Santa Monica races. He catches a boob, whom he induces to put every dollar he has on his, "The Demon's," chance of winning. He ma... Read all"The Demon" owns a "near" racing car and wishes to enter the Santa Monica races. He catches a boob, whom he induces to put every dollar he has on his, "The Demon's," chance of winning. He manages to get into the race and by the time he has finished the run night has fallen and th... Read all"The Demon" owns a "near" racing car and wishes to enter the Santa Monica races. He catches a boob, whom he induces to put every dollar he has on his, "The Demon's," chance of winning. He manages to get into the race and by the time he has finished the run night has fallen and the spectators have gone home. To say the boob sucker was mad, doesn't express it fully.