If I remember correctly only FIVE of Patrick Troughton`s stories remain their entirety in the BBC archive and this is quite disgraceful considering the quality of the era
Jon Pertwee ( He is The Doctor as far as I`m concerned ) introduces the episodes and like the other years tapes the written linking material is very poor . What is also very poor are the episodes selected , most fans would have picked The Evil Of The Daleks episode 2 , The Web Of Fear episode 1 and an episode featuring the cybermen . Instead what we got was
The Abominable Snowmen episode 2 - This the debut adventure of the Yeti and is supposed to be set in Tibet , but strangely looks like it was filmed in Wales . That`s because it was ! I guess if you`re a fan of the show you have to use your imagination now and again . The only other episode featuring the Yeti that remains in the BBC archives is The Web Of Fear episode 1 which involves an evacuted London with the Yeti creeping around the underground . It`s a masterpiece and should have been chosen for inclusion
The Enemy Of The World episode 3 - I guess this was selected to show what a fine character actor Troughton was since he plays a dual role as the villain of the piece , a scheming politician called Salamander . Troughton is a fine character actor but since this episode is very talky and features no monsters it`s not very representative of the show or the era
The Space Pirates episode 2 - To be blunt this episode is a load of crap with a bunch of non actors doing unconvincing American accents and once again this episode is devoid of any monsters . Did you know children used to hide behind the sofa when they heard the DOCTOR WHO theme ? That`s because it nearly always had scary monsters in it . This and the previous episode didn`t
Almost certainly the worst of the DOCTOR WHO Years that was released