- Chantal: [after hearing Kevin Reevey's testimony and being accosted by an angry mob] Didn't you feel anything, listening to that testimony?
- Peter Lavin: Yes, I did! I felt what a martyr I've been all my life. First to those lying little bastards, and now to you.
- Chantal: You feel no guilt? No shame?
- Peter Lavin: Kevin Reevey was a lonely little boy whom I befriended out of the kindness of my heart. I loved him.
- Chantal: You loved him? You call THAT love?
- Peter Lavin: Yes, I do.
- Chantal: No! That is not loving! That is hurting! You have hurt this little boy. I could KILL YOU!
- Chantal: [pause] I am going to ask this only once! Have you ever touched our children?
- Peter Lavin: Why don't you ask them yourself. They're your children.
- Chantal: That's right! They're MY children! They are no longer your children!
- Peter Lavin: I wanted to hold him. His neck looked so soft, so young, and perfect. I was aroused, Father. Alive in my groin. I wanted to feel his warmth and tenderness. I wanted to feel the rush of release.
- Priest in Confessional: Did you touch him?
- Peter Lavin: No.
- Priest in Confessional: Have you had these desires before?
- Peter Lavin: Not for a long time.
- Priest in Confessional: What did you do then, about these desires?
- Peter Lavin: I sinned, Father!
- [after a long row about whether or not Chantal will go back to Newfoundland with her husband]
- Chantal: [curtly] I'm going! Avec ou SANS toi!
- Peter Lavin: Suit yourself.
- Chantal: In good times and in bad. Remember.
- Commission Lawyer: [interrogating Monsignor Forucco] What about Brother Lavin? Are you aware that the police had evidence against him as well?
- Monsignor Forucco: Certainly not!
- St. Vincent Resident: You're a lying bastard! He's lying to your face!
- [he's now being dragged out by security]
- St. Vincent Resident: You're a lying bastard, Monsignor! Why don't you just tell the truth? Go on then, tell the truth! YOU CAN GO TO HELL, MONSIGNOR! GO TO HELL, you and your brothers! GO TO HELL!
- Caller: [after Monsignor Forucco named a deceased Deputy Minister as the man he dealt with] So the dead guy did it! Is that it, Lenora?
- Lenora: Well, that sure seems to be the case, doesn't it? For so far the only government official who's been implicated, and the only person that ANYONE can remember being at ANY meetings, for those who can remember anything at all, was the Deputy Minister of Justice, the late, the VERY late, Jerome Ward.
- Caller: I sure wish the dead could talk. Who knows what they'd have to say.
- Lenora: That's certainly true, caller.
- Caller: Well, the inquiry's still going on. I wonder who they're gonna call up next?
- Lenora: I'd be calling the Ghostbusters if I were them.
- [after asking Steven about some younger boys at St. Vincent]
- Defence Lawyer: Oh, God. Let me refresh your memory. You were 15, they were about 7 or 8. You were fully grown, they were half your height. Came up to your waist. Does this refresh things for you!
- Steven Lunney age 25: It's not true.
- Defence Lawyer: Did you force them to perform sexual acts upon your person, Steven? In the downstairs bathroom! Or on the back fire escape! Do you remember that! You've accused my client of sexual abuse, Steven. When we both know that YOU are the criminal and I have WITNESSES to prove it! You've LIED Steven! And I can prove it. Fifteen years ago, you told the police that Brother Glackin NEVER touched you! Were you lying then or are you lying now? Which is it? Maybe you're just a liar, ANSWER THE QUESTION!
- Paul Stevens: My Lord, can we have a short recess?