Set at fictional Beacon Hill College in Boston, "Bay State" is a videotape soap opera shot in Boston that follows the lives of back-stabbing, angst-ridden college students. It is currently the longest-running college program of its kind. Storylines are typical of daytime dramas and has even featured guest appearances by such daytime soap stars as Kristian Alfonso, Alison Sweeney, Austin Peck, Lisa Rinna, Robert Kelker-Kelly, Kelly Menighan-Hensley, Diego Serranno, Elizabeth Kiefer and Martha Byrne. Actor/Comedian Jon Stewart even guest-starred as himself. "Bay State" has aired across the country on a variety of college television stations, but it was its 1995 appearance on MTV that brought the show true national attention. "Bay State" is a cornerstone of the program schedule of BUTV 10, the station founded in Spring 2006.