Soviet footage used in this U.S. compilation were taken from the Kinopanorama releases "Shiroka strana moya..." (1957), "Udivitelnaya okhota" (1961) and "SSSR s otkrytym serdtsem" (1961), all produced by the Moscow Popular Science Studio; Volshevnoye zerkalo (1958), "Chas neozhidannykh putesbesviy. V polyote na vertolyote" (1960) and the dyptich "Chetvyortaya programma panorammykh filmov", integrated by "Tsikovoye predstavleniye" and "Na Krasnoy ploshchadi" (1961), all produced by the Central Documentary Film Studio, as well as "V Antarktiku za kitami".
The Russians provided some footage that had been shot in their Kino-Panorama process, a three strip giant screen process that was almost identical to Cinerama.