Billy Bob Thorton is married to Natasha Richardson. They're Arkansas natives, and he has a Chevrolet franchise. They're best friends with Patrick Swayze and Charlize Theron, who are also married and from Arkansas. Together they take a vacation to Reno, where they discover that Ms. Theron is pregnant by Thornton.
Hahahahaha! By the time this particular comedic bombshell was dropped, I was pretty tired of this foursome, stuck as they were in the cultural 1970s, with references to TV shows and Ms. Richardson's fondness for Tony Orlando being as highbrow as they got, since Thornton has nixed a sidetrip to the Grand Canyon. In other words, they were White Trash, and I was wondering: this is the Third Millennium. We can't make fun of Jews or Italians, or the handicapped or fat women -- fat men are still okay, so long as they're fat White men -- or Chinese or..... well, almost anyone. So why is it okay to mock people from Arkansas, given Hollywood's sensitivity to every other group?
I like old movies, and have no problem with making fun of people from Arkansas, nor Jews, nor WASPs, nor any of the innumerable classifications of people. But I also think that in order for a movie to be funny, it needs to have more humor than some mildly absurd hairpiece on Mr. Thornton and a sense that these people aren't au courant with whatever was the hot cultural trend in 2002. What a strange and useless waste of four talented performers.