This truly is a B-movie. I was subjected to this movie while staying at a friend's house. It is certainly not something I would have rented on my own. This is the kind of movie where you sit around laughing at how hysterically horrible it is. This black and white bomb features an unintelligible plot and a host of no-name actors. The slanting camera angles and pointless scenes change so quickly that you often don't have time to see WHAT they are, nevermind how they relate to the movie. If you haven't seen it yet and don't want to know about my two favorite scenes, don't read on. I was especially amused when the scene changed (for no apparent reason) and there was a butt at the bottom of the screen. Suddenly, someone off-screen threw powder on it and attacked it with a koala puppet! It was so ridiculous and unexpected that I wound up laughing hysterically on the floor. Maybe it's me, but I didn't expect a butt OR a koala puppet in a zombie movie. My second favorite scene came shortly after the puppet scene (although I'm sure changing the order would not have affected the plot of the film). A guy is kissing his girlfriend in downtown New Orleans when he suddenly has a gas attack and excuses himself to the restroom... where the cameras follow to record his writhing, explosive bowel movement. After viewing these two scenes, I strongly recommend rewinding. Zombie! vs. Mardi Gras is not worth seeing for its plot, but would serve as a wonderful choice for your own MST3000 party. It will take 2 hours of your life that you'll never get back.