9 reviews
Medal Of Honor came out as a surprising title. The game is a first-person-shooter and takes place during World War 2 in the period between 1944 and 45 in locations in France, Norway and Germany.
You play an American soldier who is sent on missions to cripple Hitler-Germany. Like Goldeneye on the N64, you have lots of cool missions to perform, and there are more to the levels than just shooting like in Quake or Doom.
Unlike most other games in the genre, MOH has a storyline, which unfolds as you play the game. The graphics are very sharp and mostly flawless, but sometimes there are some slowdown and pop-up, but you`ll hardly notice. The gameplay is very good, and makes killing the Wehrmacht-troops a lot more enjoyable.
Being a Norwegian, I was happy to see genuine Norwegian language and Nazi-propaganda from the War, during the missions in Norway. Though I don`t understand why some doors in France had Norwegian text on them, but mostly, the developers have done a good job on this game.
If you want a quality first-person-shooter with a good storyline and cool missions instead of just lame shooting, Medal Of Honor is THE playstation-game to choose.
Recommended! 9/10
You play an American soldier who is sent on missions to cripple Hitler-Germany. Like Goldeneye on the N64, you have lots of cool missions to perform, and there are more to the levels than just shooting like in Quake or Doom.
Unlike most other games in the genre, MOH has a storyline, which unfolds as you play the game. The graphics are very sharp and mostly flawless, but sometimes there are some slowdown and pop-up, but you`ll hardly notice. The gameplay is very good, and makes killing the Wehrmacht-troops a lot more enjoyable.
Being a Norwegian, I was happy to see genuine Norwegian language and Nazi-propaganda from the War, during the missions in Norway. Though I don`t understand why some doors in France had Norwegian text on them, but mostly, the developers have done a good job on this game.
If you want a quality first-person-shooter with a good storyline and cool missions instead of just lame shooting, Medal Of Honor is THE playstation-game to choose.
Recommended! 9/10
This game has so many memories. Wow still whenever I want to remind those amazing moments I watch gameplay of this game in YouTube. Every stage, every place every gun, every name has a memory
- faisalfaves
- Nov 15, 2018
- Permalink
This game is so perfect that I'm at a loss for words.
The first time I popped the MOH-disc into my old Playstation it almost brought tears to my eyes! It was like witnessing history in the making as the A.I. of these opponents totally blew me away. I couldn't believe my eyes, not to mention my ears! A fantastic soundtrack complete with first rate sound f/X add to the richest atmosphere I've ever experienced in a first-person shooter!
I've played countless first-person shooters on the computer since Wolfenstein 3D appeared a decade ago, and despite all the Doom's, the Quake's and the Duke Nukem's on the PC the psx's MEDAL OF HONOR ranks #1 in my book (something I didn't think possible as I always felt the genre was more suited for the PC). Now I finally know how Clint Eastwood must have felt when mowing down his opposition in WHERE EAGLES DARE!
A game worth playing over and over again, and despite it's great sequel UNDERGROUND I find myself returning to the original time and time again.
A bona-fide wet dream for the first-person addict!
The first time I popped the MOH-disc into my old Playstation it almost brought tears to my eyes! It was like witnessing history in the making as the A.I. of these opponents totally blew me away. I couldn't believe my eyes, not to mention my ears! A fantastic soundtrack complete with first rate sound f/X add to the richest atmosphere I've ever experienced in a first-person shooter!
I've played countless first-person shooters on the computer since Wolfenstein 3D appeared a decade ago, and despite all the Doom's, the Quake's and the Duke Nukem's on the PC the psx's MEDAL OF HONOR ranks #1 in my book (something I didn't think possible as I always felt the genre was more suited for the PC). Now I finally know how Clint Eastwood must have felt when mowing down his opposition in WHERE EAGLES DARE!
A game worth playing over and over again, and despite it's great sequel UNDERGROUND I find myself returning to the original time and time again.
A bona-fide wet dream for the first-person addict!
- Renaldo Matlin
- Mar 31, 2002
- Permalink
This game blew my socks off the first time I played it. The SFX were amazing, total Immersion. Really gave across the feeling of chaos. Not many of their games manage that, even now. The beach landing level, wow. It's a classic game.
- orders-19999
- Nov 13, 2020
- Permalink
oh sweet lord how i love this game!!i became obsessed with this game from the very first time i played it which must have been about five years ago when i was 13.my brother got medal of honour and moh underground in early 2002 and i played it non-stop!i remember about a year later i was doing whats called the junior cert(state exams taken in your third year of six years in secondary school) and about three weeks before we had our mock exams(practice runs for the real thing-but very important all the same) i got the chicken pox and was out of school for a week.i suppose i should have studied but all i did was play the two games(which i'd already completed) the whole time.i wanted to complete every level with 100% and i did-one of my greatest achievements that year!!!!
i think one of the best things about moh is the way the game is so historically accurate.the levels are based on real missions and the creators have obviously gone out of their way to recreate the series of events in each story and the places in particular.i ended up doing a project on the sabotage mission carried out by a group of men on a power plant in rjukan, norway.i cant remember if its in moh or moh underground but the plans and layout of the powerplant and surrounding area is flawless from what real pictures i've seen.that particular mission was so important because the powerplant was actually where Hitler was developing his own atomic bomb and he would have won the race had that mission not been successful and undoubtedly would have won the war.i never even knew about this story of such great importance until i played the level and subsequently found out it was real after watching a documentary but it was moh that told me the story first!
i've played every game since and i'm determined to buy every version of the game and complete them with 100% as well.every now and again i rent them out for a week at a time with a litre tub of ben and jerrys vanilla caramel fudge-my treat every few months or so and sure who really cares if my exams took some what of a hit!!
i think one of the best things about moh is the way the game is so historically accurate.the levels are based on real missions and the creators have obviously gone out of their way to recreate the series of events in each story and the places in particular.i ended up doing a project on the sabotage mission carried out by a group of men on a power plant in rjukan, norway.i cant remember if its in moh or moh underground but the plans and layout of the powerplant and surrounding area is flawless from what real pictures i've seen.that particular mission was so important because the powerplant was actually where Hitler was developing his own atomic bomb and he would have won the race had that mission not been successful and undoubtedly would have won the war.i never even knew about this story of such great importance until i played the level and subsequently found out it was real after watching a documentary but it was moh that told me the story first!
i've played every game since and i'm determined to buy every version of the game and complete them with 100% as well.every now and again i rent them out for a week at a time with a litre tub of ben and jerrys vanilla caramel fudge-my treat every few months or so and sure who really cares if my exams took some what of a hit!!
- WhelmedInEurope
- Dec 4, 2006
- Permalink
Having just recently installed a PS1 emulator on my MacBook, I've explored the opportunity to explore an era of classic games that lasted before my birth. After watching Steven Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan", I became interested in exploring more content based on World War II. I had come to know that Spielberg had conceived the original Medal of Honor game as a hybrid of the classic FPS game "Goldeneye N64", with the setting of WWII Europe. I had immediately gotten hold of this game and haven't been able to set it down until I had completed the entire story campaign.
This is one of the few games that I felt was worth completing the entire single-player campaign, given my reluctance to waste time playing dispassionately-developed games. The passion Spielberg has for WWII stories and experiences, radiates in this game as it does in his films.
Speaking of experience, the game combines its well-constructed elements of game-control, sound-design, level-design, Artificial-Intelligence and musical score to deliver a thrilling and memorable experience for the player. The atmosphere in this game ranges from suspenseful stealth to powerful intensity, especially with the realistic sound-design of guns and explosions and the excellent mood-setting musical score.
Needless to say, this is a 10/10 game. I have no complaints with this game, as it's well made with no bugs or glitches. Given how innovative this game was at the time, I highly suggest avid gamers and WWII enthusiasts to check this game out. I'm glad that games like these are immortalised with the help of emulators, and I honestly can't wait to play the next installment: Medal of Honor: Underground.
This is one of the few games that I felt was worth completing the entire single-player campaign, given my reluctance to waste time playing dispassionately-developed games. The passion Spielberg has for WWII stories and experiences, radiates in this game as it does in his films.
Speaking of experience, the game combines its well-constructed elements of game-control, sound-design, level-design, Artificial-Intelligence and musical score to deliver a thrilling and memorable experience for the player. The atmosphere in this game ranges from suspenseful stealth to powerful intensity, especially with the realistic sound-design of guns and explosions and the excellent mood-setting musical score.
Needless to say, this is a 10/10 game. I have no complaints with this game, as it's well made with no bugs or glitches. Given how innovative this game was at the time, I highly suggest avid gamers and WWII enthusiasts to check this game out. I'm glad that games like these are immortalised with the help of emulators, and I honestly can't wait to play the next installment: Medal of Honor: Underground.
- rajveerdhanak
- Jul 5, 2019
- Permalink
One unique game brought from world class director Steven Spielberg (loved his work) and his then popular studio Dreamworks. I couldn't get through much of the game, but Giacchino's orchestral theme and the visuals are fit for what Medal of Honor is. I'd give salute to developers and recommended this.
- tristanwainwright-12483
- Jun 28, 2022
- Permalink
You are a covert ops operative, recruited from the paratrooper corps on account of being particularly heroic and being the sole GI who pulled his own weight during a rather ill-fated attack working for the OSS, trying to win the war with surgical strikes. Get in, do your thing, get out safely(there is no all out battle in this). This evidently means using weapons(SMGs, rifles, pistols, a sniper, grenades and a bazooka... that they can also use, and it doesn't always hurt them) from the WWII era, and they appear to be based on real ones, in a pretty standard FPS for the period. The controls are good, and you remember them quickly. You take out foes, find your way through the 24(you save between them) linear, short, and not terribly natural if nice, levels(making up 7 separate missions, and the concepts are more interesting than the executions that leave a bit to be desired... they do keep this from growing stale; however, when you read that you will be scuttling a submarine then escaping it in time, you expect pure awesomeness, and it's just as straightforward as all the rest... it is cool that one has you pretending to be an officer, with you showing papers and using a silencer... still, you can get away with slaughtering everyone), locate stuff(the objectives vary slightly, and are unfortunately never timed) throughout them and... that's kind of it. This doesn't have the impact that the idea of it implies(like the Commandos series does, also getting off the ground around this time). AI has its moments... they take cover and use it, and I've seen them sacrifice themselves on grenades(those tend to be pointless in your hands)... as well as die from the ones their buddies have thrown, or even themselves. And they can't hear you from a little distance. You go up against soldiers, Gestapo and dogs. This does tend to be entertaining, and it manages to not get repetitive, in spite of how obviously it almost should. The loadouts change, so you're not stuck with the same ones for long enough that they can get dull. It is a shooting gallery for much of it, with you just mowing them down, leading to them giving Western-like reactions, such as flying off the ledge they were on, screaming. There's no blood(sometimes you can't tell when they're deceased) or violence, if a little disturbing content in this. The approach is largely realistic, with you and those you fight not being able to take many bullets and keep standing, and yet the tone gets silly at times(don't think that the opening logo is the last you'll see like that), taking you out of the experience(you can give them a projectile to the head, and the helmet will fly off comically, and they'll keep coming!). This has an epic score. It can be challenging and intense, if it is usually pretty easy. The fact that aiming takes longer for you than for them(they can crawl like you... and roll, another thing you can't that they can) makes it harder – there's only one difficulty setting – and you really wish this had a mouse. You use the left analog stick to aim, while holding down R2. There's no center view function, and you don't want to be facing opposition from more than one angle. This doesn't have all functions you'd expect from when it's from, and it isn't revolutionizing, the way Half-Life was(you can use gun emplacements in this, only one kind and not vehicles). The squad-based combat of the others definitely doesn't live up to that, and it came out one year before this. Graphics are OK, if kind of... "blocky". Heads look like they're made from triangular shapes. Again, this is lesser than, for example, Quake III. I don't know, maybe the PSX couldn't handle it, I haven't tried a lot on this console for the genre. Let's be honest, it doesn't lend itself to it. Racing, adventure, action, those fit... and RTS is passable. There is some environment interaction, if it's quite limited. The audio design is good, things sound the way they should, if you can't hear where something is coming from. As far as determining where the enemy is, you do have a hit indicator on the HUD, and it comes in very handy. If you do well enough, you can earn medals, bonus stuff. Other than going back and trying to improve your rating, this does not really have any replayability(it does have level selector, and you can rewatch the cinematics that are all edited from actual footage from the period), and it won't take you in excess of 20 hours to complete. Heck, I coulda done it in one or two sittings, if it weren't that I had to rest my fingers, joints and wrists. Then there's the two(yup, that is how many joysticks(they vibrate when you get wounded or pull the trigger yourself) it takes, after all) player splitscreen MP. It's all Free For All... 16 characters, 2, 5, 10 or 21 minute or unlimited time match, first to 3, 10 or 21 wins, five setups for arsenals and 6 arenas. Near the end, this tries to ramp up how tough it is, and it does so awkwardly, having them teleport in from all angles, putting breakable boxes in your path, etc. And because it spends all the memory of the machine, you end up often not being able to pick up additional ammo! That's the kind of stuff you test for before release, EA. You also, throughout this, constantly get stuck in too small areas. A nice feature is that the alarm can be turned on and off by anyone, and you can let it ring(having started it yourself if you want) to attract them and lay waste to them. All NPCs are targets for you. I recommend this to big fans of this kind of game and enthusiasts of what this is supposed to emulate. 7/10
- Mar 1, 2011
- Permalink
I'm in love with this game, this is Doom all over again. What's there not to say about this game, the A.I are smart, all the weapons are cool, and well everything else is good about this game.
PROS +Smart AI +Nice Weapons
CONS -Is Hard at times -Multiplayer is bad
PROS +Smart AI +Nice Weapons
CONS -Is Hard at times -Multiplayer is bad
- Darth_Homer
- Feb 19, 2003
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