This film begins with a young couple frolicking at a park in Shinjuku when five motorcyclists ride up and begin to attack the man. Although "Ryumei" (Takeo Chii) puts up a struggle he soon becomes worn out and its then that he produces a knife and kills one of them. Its then that another man comes upon the scene and subdues him. For her part, "Furiko" (Meiko Kaji) tries to help but is knocked unconscious while Ryumei is carried off. Not long afterward, she finds herself lying beside the dead man with a knife in her hand. The scene then shifts to two months later with Furiko and her sister "Aya" (Yuka Kumari) scaling a fence and successfully breaking out of prison. Determined to find Ryumei, Furiko sends Aya to a location where some hippies have congregated to ask for assistance while she heads out to a place he might have been taken. What she doesn't realize is that Ryumei is no longer the same person she once knew and that his influential father "Yoshitaro Araki" (Yoshio Inaba) intends to ensure that Furiko is never allowed to implicate his son for the murder of the man in the park. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film wasn't nearly as good as the other movies that preceded it due in large part to the meandering plot and the rather unsatisfactory ending. Likewise, I was also disappointed with the lack of quality time given to Meiko Kaii who has justifiably been the main character throughout the series. At least, up until now. Be that as it may, as the last film of the series, I don't consider this movie to be on the same level as its predecessors and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.