The movie is set in rural Belgium, in a place inhabited by poor, gloomy people who do not look like Julia Roberts or Hugh Grant. The "hero", a clueless photographer for a local newspaper, is a father who decides that his family deserves better : the only way out appears to be in the Guinness Books of Records. After a failed attempt at spitting olive stones as far as he can, he forces his son to be the next world champion of door openings so that the family can get a new car... This movie is a unique mix of gritty social comment (though not heavy-handed) and dark humour, something often to be found in recent movies from Belgium, the Netherlands and North of France (Benoit Poelvoorde was also the hero of "Man Bites Dog"). Some of the strangest people we meet (a Belgian Elvis, a school teacher right out of the 50's) are in fact playing themselves, and the scenario itself is based on the true story of a father who trained his 3-year old son to be a professional biker. Certainly not for all tastes, and with its share of very dark humour and a little brush of tragedy, and with a fantastic Poelvoorde, "Les convoyeurs" will please the viewers who enjoy "different" movies.