If you like to laugh at poor dubbing, having one person do five different voices in a movie, hear riduculous lines ("That fellow's Kung Fu is pretty good!"), and like old Kung Fu movies then this movie is for you. For someone that tries to take movies seriously, this will be the absoulute worst movie they have ever seen. If you enjoy laughing at horribly done movies with atrocious acting, see this. I have watched a million Kung Fu movies and this one has got to be the worst (and therefore the funniest). It is so damn funny how bad it is. It is truly one movie you must see to see how bad it is. I like dumb humour and find stuff like this funny but many people do not. Even the Kung Fu is not very good. But it's just so damn funny to watch these guys talk and act so poorly. Even the music is preposterous. I like how the camera zooms in really fast to a person's face when they have an over-acted expression on their face. The sound effect are over the top exagerated. The dubbing is so bad and to hear a voice-over person try to change their voice to do more than one character is hilarious. This is the classic Kung Fu movie that you will instantly recognize as the template for all those comedians that make fun of Kung Fu movies. See this for a good laugh. It's just so damn dumb that it's funny. My five year old son and I watched it last night.