I long for the age of the NES, when the games were just plain fun and simple without flashy animation and movie-like special effects to get in the way. I remember when CONTRA was first released in 1988. (Jeez, has it really been that long!?) It was the big deal at school; everybody was talking about it. Toys R Us was sold out for awhile, so the best I could do was rent it or play it at a friend's house. I was hooked instantly, and when I finally got my own copy, I was playing it nearly every day. I got so good at it that I could beat it in twenty minutes flat (with the thirty lives code, of course; I don't know anyone who ever beat it with just three). Even nearly five years later, long after my NES and games had gone away to make room for the Sega Genesis, I was able to still beat CONTRA in my record time when I discovered it at the house of my high school friend. Though there have been many notable video games in the years since, CONTRA remains my #1 all-time favorite of them all. It just had everything I like in a game and gave me with countless hours of entertainment (which my parents liked, because it kept me from bugging them wanting another game.) Some games I would beat and never really play much again afterwards. But CONTRA always kept me coming back for more no matter how many times I beat it (I think about 30, at last count). To me, the sequels never managed to really capture the spirit and fun factor of the original, so I never bothered with them. And who can forget that awesome first level music? I really wish Nintendo would release some "NES Classics" soundtrack containing the music from their old games. No techno remixes, no new arrangements. Just the plain and simple music we all know and love. Well, I admit, an orchestral version of the CONTRA music would be awesome, especially if done with an Alan Silvestri/ERASER-type sound. Thank you Konami for providing one of the great joys of my childhood.