- Mike McCormick: Can you fish out of this boat.
- Harry Volpi: Caught more fish than John the Baptist?
- Mike McCormick: Who's John the Baptist?
- Harry Volpi: Something tells me this kid spends a little too much time at the boat garage.
- Tony Steinhardt: [upon seeing nitrous oxide kit] Does anybody recognize anything?
- Travis: Where are the directions?
- Mike McCormick: This stuff looks like scuba gear.
- Jim McCormick: It's just engine equipment.
- Bobby Humphrey: This is crazy, Harry Volpi has blown up more boats than the U.S. Navy.
- [first lines]
- Adult Mike McCormick: [narrating] Why is it that everything important that happens to you when you're a kid, happens during the summer? In the summer of 1971 I was ten years old, and the only thing I looked forward to more than the last day of school, was the first day of practice of the hydroplane racing season. You could say Madison kids were born into racing, the same way some folks were born into the oil business or farming.
- Jim McCormick: Is Mike asleep?
- Bonnie McCormick: Mm hmm, finally. Wanted to know what his first word was.
- Jim McCormick: What was it, "Nixon?"
- Bonnie McCormick: Close. It was "Daddy."
- Bonnie McCormick: You be good, alright?
- Mike McCormick: [with mock fatigue] No gambling, no whiskey, and no women...