This documentary series is five episodes long in the BBC version, the US Discovery channel cut is three episodes (it was a co-production). Anyway, it is the most fascinating, tense, jaw-dropping and laugh-out-loud funny shows of any genre ever made. The fact that it's all true is a bonus. Apart from the story, which is a saga of paranoia, deceit, incompetence, panic and hubris, the individual characters are wonderful. Gordon Liddy is a particular star because he admits to the most absurd and extreme actions so shamelessly, he's strangely lovable - but the secretly-hired New York PI who describes wads of cash as 'lettuce' and 'cabbage' is almost as entertaining... and then there's a grand jury member whose Foghorn Leghorn Southern accent will seem to some non-American viewers almost too florid to be credible. There's so much more to enjoy though, it's inexpressible. I've just watched it for the second time, and I could easily go back and see it all again immediately. I love this documentary in the same way people love The Beatles or Elvis, I'm a jumping-up-and-down crazed fan. Why aren't there t-shirts?