In 1987, the show had a special week where game show hosts played against each other for at home contestants who had sent in postcards. The participants were Tom Kennedy, Peter Tomarken, John Davidson, Bill Rafferty, Jamie Farr, Marc Summers, and Chuck Woolery. Summers sub-hosted when Woolery played.
Chuck Woolery's return to an NBC Daytime game show 2.5 years after his departure from Wheel of Fortune.
The first season had Jay Stewart as the announcer. He was replaced with Charlie Tuna in the second season, who would announce the program for the remainder of its run.
The bonus sprint was added to the show midway through the second season. Also around that same time, the Scrabble sprint round was changed from the two players playing a series of different words to the two players playing the same set of words.
Initially the players built up a "pot" each round that started at $25 and went up $25 every correct letter placed. Placing a letter in a pink or blue bonus square added $100 or $50, respectively. If a player won the round, they won the pot. That was quickly changed to each round being worth $500, with the pink and blue bonus squares worth $1000 and $500 if the contestant solved the puzzle right after placing a letter on one of those squares.