Late in SWEET YOUNG SINS the balding daddy declares: "The family that lays together stays together", summing up the cynical philosophy of this typical XXX incest programmer. I'm reviewing the Alpha Blue Archives edition, while film has also been reissued retitled FAMILY LOVE-IN on Vol. 88 of Something Weird's Dragon Art Theatre series.
Opening of the family sitting around the kitchen table is bucolic enough, but we're not in '70s America but rather a parallel pornworld. I guess I'll have to wait for the dirty parody "Not Fringe XXX" to see a more interesting sci-fi take on the subject.
The actors here all talk at the same time, not Robert Altman-style, but rather incompetent porn director-style. A black grocery boy (played by the frequently cast but unsung Jonathan Younger) arrives in short shorts and looks positively uncomfortable as mom more or less assaults him, giving us some mixed combo action before the steady diet of incest takes center stage. For me the low point was mom servicing both daddy and her son together in bed -highly unerotic.
The not young-looking son not only has a foot fetish (sucking mom's appendages unwholesomely) but treats mom to some backdoor sex. Mostly accompanied by a small combo jazz score, film ends inappropriately with an organ-led group playing "I'll Be Seeing You".