28 reseñas · Proporcionado por Metacritic.com
- 90New Times (L.A.)Luke Y. ThompsonNew Times (L.A.)Luke Y. ThompsonSpectacular entertainment.
- 88Chicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertChicago Sun-TimesRoger EbertThe story is nuts-and-bolts space opera, without the intelligence and daring of, say, Steven Spielberg's ''A.I.'' But the look of the film is revolutionary. Final Fantasy is a technical milestone, like the first talkies or 3-D movies.
- 75Boston GlobeJay CarrBoston GlobeJay CarrDespite its conceptual shortfall, is worth seeing, if only to update yourself on what can emerge from a keyboard these days.
- 50Los Angeles TimesKenneth TuranLos Angeles TimesKenneth TuranThe film's plot gets so convoluted no nongamer older than 14 will be able to follow it all.
- 50Seattle Post-IntelligencerSean AxmakerSeattle Post-IntelligencerSean AxmakerFor all the grace of the animation and visual splendor, the stilted script and emotionless "performances" give this digital artifact a distinctly stiff, wooden flavor.
- 50New York PostJonathan ForemanNew York PostJonathan ForemanWhat makes Final Fantasy a final failure is a predictable, nonsensical plot, laughably lame dialogue and a surfeit of cloying environmentalist piety.
- 40SalonStephanie ZacharekSalonStephanie ZacharekAn offshoot of a popular computer game, is really all about inducing visual awe. And for the first few minutes, it does.
- 20Washington PostMichael O'SullivanWashington PostMichael O'SullivanI never forgot for a minute that I was watching a cartoon, all the way down to the silly, pseudo-spiritual ending, an ending whose very incomprehensibility is actually one of the more endearing hallmarks of anime.