I watched this movie recently so I realize the storytelling style is now outdated. But I immensely enjoyed watching this film. I wasn't expecting it to be great since I had never really heard anything about this movie previously but once I started to watch it I got very engaged in the story and characters. Shah Rukh Khan shows his brilliance and talent as an actor. His emotions really sink into you and you feel as if he is really going through what his character is. He does a very convincing job in this movie. The story is very endearing about an only son who is loved dearly by his polar opposite parents. His father is an atheist lawyer and his mother is a strongly religious person. SRK gets caught in the middle of these two who argue regularly on how to raise their son but he loves both parents and don't want to hurt either of them. The movie starts out very lighthearted and funny but then encounters a serious twist. This movie is worth watching especially if you love Shah Rukh, he won't disappoint you in this one!