Les petites écolières, directed by Claude Mulot, is a saucy sex comedy with a playful premise and an impressive cast of adult film stars. The film follows Brigitte Lahaie, in her signature charismatic style, running a high-end brothel disguised as an art school. With a bevy of beautiful women, including Lahaie and Jane Baker, and two male teachers, the film delivers on its promise of sexy scenes and erotic storytelling.
One of the film's standout moments is the sex education class, where the 5 girls showcase their skills with a hands-on approach, sucking Jack Gatteau's penis for training. The scene is memorable and entertaining, with a light-hearted and playful tone.
The film excels in its visual appeal. Mulot has a great eye for composition, and this is evident in every frame. The décor is delightfully busy, with a leopard print sofa and Lahaie's signature leopard print dress adding a touch of glamour and fun.
While the film has its memorable moments and a certain amount of style, the plot is thin and predictable. However, the performances are strong, and the atmosphere is relaxed and enjoyable. The film is a refreshing change from the sometimes perverse and gore-filled modern adult films, offering a classic erotic experience.
Les petites écolières is a well-crafted, entertaining adult film. With a mix of humor, style, and sexy scenes, it is a classy addition to the European adult film genre. While it may not be a groundbreaking masterpiece, it is definitely worth a watch, especially for fans of vintage French porn and those seeking a stylish and playful erotic experience.