Tardio tosses his hat onto a statue. It disappears and reappears between cuts.
At the end of the movie, Kevin tosses the ring away, but in the next shot when he kisses his girlfriend, the ring is still visible on his finger.
Kevin leaves in the boat after having only untied one of the two lines securing it to the dock.
In the courtroom, Max is wearing two rings; his wedding band which the robbers supposedly just stole, and the ring the robbers wanted to steal.
When Earl enters the DC apartment he shoots at Max, missing him and shooting through the window. We see holes appear from the interior shot, then see the glass shatter from the exterior shot, but when we cut back inside, there are only three holes in the glass again.
When Detective Alex Tardio arrives, he says he is from the 19th Precinct - Boston Police do not have have precincts, they have "districts", and are divided by letters.
When Berger enters Jack's restaurant, he asks the bartender for "something cold and Bavarian" (a German beer), but in the next shot he is drinking a Peroni (an Italian beer).
Detective Alex Tardio refers to Max and Lutetia's dog as a Yorkie, but it is actually a Brussels Griffon.
Kevin uses voicedial on his cellphone to call for help. However, the phone he uses is a Motorola Startac, which does not have that feature.
When homes are broken into, it is burglary, not robbery. This is referenced several times throughout the movie. However, since the victim was home at the time of the burglary it is in fact called a robbery.
Reflected in Lutetia's sunglasses when talking about divorcing Max at Jack's restaurant.