What starts as a young adults at the beach, coming of age story slowly devolves into a morality tale rooted in an overused love-triangle plot device. This time it involves two brothers vying for the same woman. What lifts this one above the rest are the technical elements.
The direction is solid. The lighting and cinematography are wonderful, especially the moonlit scenes. The cast does a great job, with the female lead giving a shining performance. The subtle ukulele-driven, Hawaiian-inspired soundtrack provides the perfect moodiness; and the costuming deserves a shout-out.
Of the "Sun Tribe" movies I've seen, this one feels the most Hollywood-ish. I realize that the infiltration of Western culture into post-war Japan was a major theme in Japanese cinema for a while, but this film feels like it actually exhibits more of stereotypically Hollywood style.
I anticipated the explosive ending; however, it still provided a fantastic jolt!