The play was inspired by a real person, Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinen (1619 - 1655), an author known for his swordsmanship and large nose.
This film is an interesting cross between two-color technicolor and hand-coloring, sometimes using only one process or the other, sometimes both. Parts of the film were hand colored using the Pathécolor stencil process, in which groundstone glass is cut with a pantograph in the shape of an object to conform with what is on the 35mm print. A machine then passes a dye-soaked strip of velvet over the film with the glass stencil on top and the film is colored. Cutting the stencils (a stencil for every different color) was a very long and tedious process which delayed the release of the film by almost two years. The color style/scheme of the movie was to imitate the tone, color and feel of 17th Century Renaissance paintings.