I just finished teaching a course in northern Thailand called "Understanding Cultures Through Cinema." This movie was the favorite of the class (and I had some great titles in there!). The students were very moved by the movie, and wrote great papers in response. This short line is my favorite example: "I liked (reviewer) because (that reviewer) doesn't say whether a terrorist who wanted to sacrifice her life was right or wrong. When your country is controlled by others, you want to have freedom." And this from a young sophomore who loves romantic comedies! Talk about a breakthrough!!! Culturally, the students tuned in to some important aspects that don't get noticed: Malli sharing meals with Mr. Vasu, the important moral role played by Lotus/Sorya, and the visual irony of the belt. I gave them a study guide question: How would YOU end this movie? The answers were poignant, and of course, they all mentioned the prevailing motif (which I won't mention here because that would be a spoiler, yes?).
When I first saw this movie, I gave it 9. After seeing it several times since, and especially seeing the reaction of my Thai students, I gladly raise it to 10. This is one of my top ten movies of all time.