Well, this one isn't as horrible as Horrorvision, but it sure is close! Nothing works in this film. The look is very low budget, which is the case, but there are many ways to make it look better; the acting isn't very good, the story is much too simple, and much too boring, some scenes defy reason, I could go on for days. I want to like Full Moon films, but I just can't. The film, it looks as tho they spent exactly one day on the script, one day on filming, and one day on editing..maybe even less. Black is a first time director, I think, and you can tell...he worries less about storytelling, and more about style, and using cool tricks that do nothing but take away from the plot. The scenes are too drawn out, and there is very little suspense. Some of the acting is just plain bad, some is decent at best.
Another problem with this movie is the back story with the slave trade. I don't know a lot about the slave trade, but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say, despite what the movie claims, they never delivered slaves from Africa to California. That fact took away from the seriousness, then you have this horrible guard character who goes on and on about the history of the place, despite the fact that there's an evil spirit loose in the building. I could go on for a while, but I won't. This movie is just bad...Full Moon productions is just bad, and it's a shame, because I think they could go a lot better.