Like the MEANING OF LIFE videogame, this one combines graphics and actual scenes from the film with a video game that is diabolically resistant to purposeful action.
I mean that as a complement.
To many games let players barrel through them like bulls stuffed with Jolt. And of course cheat codes make the game even more compliant.
Well, if you're looking of that kind of game, FORGET IT. PUSH OFF! This is a game where the designers have decided to play with your mind. Sit back and enjoy it. And don't think so much. Remember, if your brain hurts, then you must see a brain surgeon and get it removed.
But I still keep blowing myself up with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
But I shouldn't complain; getting killed let me discover the closing credits and that incredibly wonderful full orchestra, full length version of the THEME FROM MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL! I'm trying to figure out how to move it over to my music files so I can play it more readily. If you have any hints, let me know!