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A chilling vision of a tragic era
oschaefe22 August 2005
'War movie' is a Hollywood genre that has been done and redone so many times that clichéd dialogue, rehashed plot and over-the-top action sequences seem unavoidable for any conflict dealing with large-scale combat. Once in a while, however, a war movie comes along that goes against the grain and brings a truly original and compelling story to life on the silver screen. The Civil War-era "Cold Mountain," starring Jude Law, Nicole Kidman and Renée Zellweger is such a film.

Then again, calling Cold Mountain" a war movie is not entirely accurate. True enough, the film opens with a (quite literally) quick-and-dirty battle sequence that puts "Glory" director Edward Zwick shame. However, "Cold Mountain" is not so much about the Civil War itself as it is about the period and the people of the times. The story centers around disgruntled Confederate soldier Inman, played by Jude Law, who becomes disgusted with the gruesome war and homesick for the beautiful hamlet of Cold Mountain, North Carolina and the equally beautiful southern belle he left behind, Ada Monroe, played by Nicole Kidman. At first glance, this setup appears formulaic as the romantic interest back home gives the audience enough sympathy to root for the reluctant soldier's tribulations on the battlefield. Indeed, the earlier segments of the film are relatively unimpressive and even somewhat contrived.

"Cold Mountain" soon takes a drastic turn, though, as the intrepid hero Inman turns out to be a deserter (incidentally saving the audience from the potentially confusing scenario of wanting to root for the Confederates) and begins a long odyssey homeward. Meanwhile, back at the farm, Ada's cultured ways prove of little use in the fields; soon she is transformed into something of a wilderbeast. Coming to Ada's rescue is the course, tough-as-nails Ruby Thewes, played by Renée Zellweger, who helps Ada put the farm back together and, perhaps more importantly, cope with the loneliness and isolation the war seems to have brought upon Ada.

Within these two settings, a vivid, compelling and, at times, very disturbing portrait of the war-torn South unfolds. The characters with whom Inman and Ada interact are surprisingly complex, enhanced by wonderful performances of Brendan Gleeson as Ruby's deadbeat father, Ray Winstone as an unrepentant southern "lawman," and Natalie Portman as a deeply troubled and isolated young mother. All have been greatly affected and changed by "the war of Northern aggression," mostly for the worse. The dark, pervading anti-war message, accented by an effective, haunting score and chillingly beautiful shots of Virginia and North Carolina, is communicated to the audience not so much by gruesome battle scenes as by the scarred land and traumatized people for which the war was fought. Though the weapons and tactics of war itself have changed much in the past century, it's hellish effect on the land is timelessly relevant.

Director Anthony Minghella manages to maintain this gloomy mood for most of the film, but the atmosphere is unfortunately denigrated by a rather tepid climax that does little justice to the wonderfully formed characters. The love story between Inman and Ada is awkwardly tacked onto the beginning and end of the film, though the inherently distant, abstracted and even absurd nature of their relationship in a way fits the dismal nature of the rest of the plot.

Make no mistake, "Cold Mountain" has neither the traits of a feel-good romance nor an inspiring war drama. It is a unique vision of an era that is sure not only to entertain but also to truly absorb the audience into the lives of a people torn apart by a war and entirely desperate to be rid of its terrible repercussions altogether.
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Sensitive film with great interpretations and spectacular outdoors
ma-cortes12 February 2005
The movie deals about American Civil War (1861-1865) , the starring (Jude Law , though Matt Damon, Josh Hartnett, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Eric Bana were all considered for this role) meets Ada (Nicole Kidman , though Julia Roberts and Cate Blanchett were both considered) in ¨Cold mountain¨ and they fall in love . Then he's enlisted and participates in Battle of Saint Petesburg (Virginia 1864). He leaves and sets off to find his lover . Being dead her father (Donald Sutherland), Nicole will have to confront a lot of misfortunes until that she's helped by a valiant woman (Renee Zellweger) .

The picture is overlong , runtime is approx. three hours but is neither boring , nor tiring , but entertaining for the reason that happen several events . The film blends epic battles, drama , a love story, shootouts and a little bit of violence . The motion picture is pretty strong with crude scenes : the bloody battles ,rampages , rape , has many violent shots , for that reason the film is rated ¨R¨ as the violence is extreme with cruel killings , besides some sex scenes.

In United States attained a moderated success in spite of nomination to various Oscars , though only obtained one award to support cast for Renee Zellweger . In Europe achieved much more success at the box office . The picture has spectacular sets and some wonderful snowy and natural landscapes. Many of the scenes were shot in the Carpathian mountains in Romania . The production design and set design by Dante Ferretti is breathtaking .

Jude Law and Nicole Kidman interpretation is top notch likeness to Renee Zellweger rightly rewarded . The secondary actors are first rate : The hideous Ray Winstone , the renegade priest Philip Seymour Hoffman , the kind Bernard Gleeson , everybody are good. Gabriel Yared musical score is romantic and magnificent and John Seale cinematography is astounding and stunningly made . Anthony Mingella direction is accurately developed but there're some moments with slightly slow movement . The flick will appeal to emotion enthusiasts and romantic films fans . Rating: Very good . Above average , well worth watching.
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Film that addresses romance, friendship and the effects of war
davispittman1 August 2017
Cold mountain is a film that addresses big issues like romance, friendship and the harsh effects of war. It shows these things in a very open and raw way. The film's best thing that it has going for it is the excellent performances by the A list cast. Nicole Kidman is an extremely talented actress and she turns in a great performance as Ada. Jude Law also stars as Ada's love interest, even though he rarely shares the screen with Kidman, the majority of the film focuses on them living apart longing to see one another again. And that journey to return to each other is really what makes the romance great here. We also have Renee Zellweger. This is the performance that earned her an academy award. Zellweger is wonderful here, she plays a very blunt, country girl that helps out Ada with the farm. The movie's best acted moments are by Zellweger. She truly makes the viewer feel the raw emotion in her performance. The script is very well written. I love how it isn't melodramatic but it still manages to create emotion. Seeing these characters and the tragic events they go through will make you care deeply for them. But it isn't just that they go through junk, it's how they survive and the connections they have in one another. That's really what Cold Mountain is all about. It's about connections with people and learning how to keep going. 8/10. I recommend this one!
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It's the lasting effects of war on the idividuals...
janyeap11 December 2003
Anthony Mingheller's astounding film cleverly sweeps the audience into the horrors of war at its beginning. He then introduces his two principle characters who would gradually move the audience into their world wrought by war and hardship. We watch as the characters begin to unravel their internal tortures and their need to subdue their isolation to face their regrets and hope for the future. This is an absolutely fabulous movie that portrays the stunning performances of its stellar cast of actors and the overwhelming raw landscapes that are kept in sync with their events and moods. Observe the stages of emotional changes in the characters. So amazingly and magnificently captured at different camera angles, from scene to scene against the cold, mountainous countryside!

This film isn't throwing off longwinded dialogue and lengthy physical encounters between Jude Law's Inman and Nicole Kidman's Ada to reveal the meeting of two souls searching for a meaningful existence. Yep, it's that brief and silent stare of Inman as he confronts the graciously low-keyed, prim and proper Ada that explicitly puts their sensory awareness of each other so powerfully on screen. As the events flow, I was completely mesmerized by the Inman character watching him transcend to his sense of isolation and his developing disillusion with his world. On the other hand, I couldn't take my eyes off the immaculately well-bred and gorgeous Ada as she succumbs into a scrawny hapless damsel in complete distress. It's fascinating to watch the couple adapt to situations beyond their control and to study the emotional and behavioral attitudes of two human beings altering at such opposing magnitude as a result of one war. Observe how the once popular Inman slips into desolation in the battlefield, becoming even more tormented from his world as he meets up with some very strange characters. Will he ever find solace with these characters, or with Ada at the end? Will Ada, while feeling alienated from her new abode, at the beginning of the film and with the death of her father, be able to battle her insecurity to become spiritually enlightened and physically capable with the help of her new acquaintances? Is she able to embraces what the farmland has to offer her? And will Inman be capable of escaping what the gruesome battlefield has come to mean to him? This film lays out an enormous ground for the examination of the effects a war on different individuals.

The film continues to remind the audience that Ada and Inman are bound together by their haunting memories of one another. That, indeed, is beautifully captured by the expressions on Law and Kidman's faces. The symbolisms, throughout the film, are plentiful and brilliantly ascribed, allowing the audience to join the dots to the destinies of the couple. Even crows, clearly suggesting doom and destruction, never fail to demonstrate the dark instincts that trouble a man's soul. And those women Inman meets in his journey seem to trigger the expectation of the audience to see him drawing closer to the woman he loves and to home. Even these characters, encountered by Inman, provide a picture of how different people react to the war. But will war ultimately bring peace and safety to its protagonists? This film is a masterpiece that will provide much food for thought.

Renee Zwellweger is phenomenal in her boisterously loud 'Ruby' role. She brings another aspect of the American woman that's so different in breeding from Kidman's Ada. Both are educated in their different cultural way of life. What can Ada learn from Ruby, the frontier woman who sees the 'hands and knees' toiling as the only way of survival in her community? Zwellweger provides the comic relief that's much needed for this powerfully intense film. She's superb in her role as the beacon of strength and hope for injecting a meaningful existence of living. Unlike the soldiers or the hypocritical Home Guard authorities that use guns to destroy their enemies, Ruby uses her hands-on skills to beat the odds of survival. It's uncannily delightful to watch her interacting with Kidman's character. She, Law and Kidman are definitely worthy of being recipients of the Oscar statuettes. They exhibit their superb non-stop performing talents in this film with their onscreen appearances. The Q&A session with Brendon Gleeson (who plays Ruby's father), has prompted me to want to go see this movie again - to watch closely how the strength of the film's womenfolk can make a difference to the human beings' survival instincts. I want to study again how hellish wars are for destroying and crippling, not only the physical, but the mental aspects of the masculine race. And Gleeson does drive home an interesting question: When these mountain folks `volunteer' to fight a war, how come they should be penalized as deserters if they were to decide to opt out of it?

This film is a MUST-SEE. It's beautifully crafted, assembled, and absolutely mesmerizing in all aspects of filmmaking techniques and style. The music score and soundtracks are so appropriate locked into the events and the moods of the characters. And the film's title? It does project its allegorical appeal.

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My brief review of the film
sol-8 December 2004
A strongly acted and always interesting portrait of the hardships that came with the American Civil War, not only for soldiers but for those who did not fight too. The times are portrayed well, with sets and costumes that cannot be faulted. What can be flawed in the film however is the central romance, which is without much spark or realism. But all the action surrounding the romance is great, with some good-natured humorous touches, wonderful supporting characters and the perfect picture overall of life during the American Civil War. The cast is superb, with Zellweger in particular undergoing a superb transformation from her typical roles. The film is generally well written and well directed by Minghella, so that in spite of a lackluster romance, the film is still a captivating and entertaining watch.
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Hope in Times of Despair
mstomaso4 October 2007
Anthony Minghela's (writer/director) Cold Mountain is a carefully constructed, sensitive, and intelligent drama set in the social context of the confederacy during the civil war. It deals with the politics of the war in a very subtle and realistic manner. While it accurately depicts the brutality and inhumanity of that war, it also does something that many films related to this period do not handle effectively - Cold Mountain studies the southern context from the inside out, and portrays changes among the non-slave owning common people wrought by the war. Almost uniquely, Cold Mountain does not over-generalize southerners, northerners or anybody else.

The film surfs through genres as needed - never presenting a dull moment. It is a romance, a war story, an action-adventure and historical fiction, all nicely woven into one.

The story centers on Inman (Jude Law) and Ada Monroe (Nicole Kidman), who are smitten with each other for very simple reasons. As this young romance begins to bud, Inman enlists in the confederate army, taking with him a book Ada has given him and a photograph of her. Ada's character is one of the most brilliant aspects of the film, which is important because the audience experiences this film from a third person perspective, but the story is clearly hers from the beginning to the end. Ada is an intelligent southern belle and daughter of a liberal minister. She begins the film as a daddy's girl skilled in many of the arts that southern women who have been surrounded by servants most of their lives were expected to learn. In other words, as she admits to Ruby Thewes (Renee Zellweger), she is a master of everything useless.

Ada's father passes on, and she is left to manage his modest estate by herself. With no experience of this sort, she struggles, and survives by holding the memory of Inman close to her heart. Ruby enters the picture as a tough young woman who has been raised by a drunk and negligent father. Ruby has all the skills and abilities Ada lacks, and as they become inseparable business partners, they grow to love one another as best friends. Inman's experience is radically different, but something of a mirror image. During his participation in the war, he sees many friends killed for causes they don't really believe in, and decides to desert. Nobody he meets comes to his rescue as he begins the thousand mile walk back to Cold Mountain and Ada, and most of those he meets die.

The bulk of the film takes place during Inman's long walk, following both of the protagonists as they live, learn, grow and change. An on-going act of will borne of desperation preserves their intense passionate love. For Inman, it is his only source of hope in a world of pure desperation. For Ada, it is very much the same thing, but also a symbol and remnant of the old south - a world which is rapidly passing.

The cinematography is powerful and breathtaking. There are beautiful shots of Appalachian landscapes which give the film a strong sense of history. The script and editing are also extremely strong - emphasizing the broad class and educational differences reflected in the ante bellum southern dialects of the middle and lower classes. With the cast of this film, nothing short of perfection should be expected. And the cast, mostly, rises to the occasion. My one criticism, however, relates to the accents adopted by Kidman and Law's characters. An Australian and a Brit probably should not be expected to accurately reproduce southern American speech, but there are a few occasions where these two exceptionally gifted actors produce distracting vocal slips. I admit my oversensitivity to this, and can say with some confidence that it won't bother most people. Zellweger's performance is outstanding and she creates a character I will remember into my senescence.

Very highly recommended.
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This movie works, but it is no "Gone With The Wind"
dbarnes-630 July 2004
This movie worked for me because I see this movie as an exact opposite of 'Gone With The Wind.' Farm owners instead of plantation owners. Scarlett fights and connives for what she wants; Ada gets depressed and turns inside herself until Ruby, (Renee Zellweger,) shows up to save the day. Sort of, in a round about way. Deserters instead of officers trying to get back to their families, the lists goes on and on. Even the love story was opposite. If this is what the producer and writers were trying to get across it succeeded with me.

There are only two things I didn't like about the movie, the rest I thought was well done and I liked it enough to recommend it to friends. First, I couldn't see the attraction between Inman, (Jude Law), and Ada, (Nicole Kidman,) as being strong enough for Inman to desert to get back to her. Inman said he only had written to her a few times where Ada wrote to him almost constantly. Second, something or someone getting killed or dying in almost every scene was a little much. I must say it was full of action because of that, but after about the second scene I knew something or someone was going to die in the next scene. I like to be surprised by the next scene, not know what is going to happen before it does.

I thought all the acting was very well done, with Zellweger the best. She deserved the credit she got for it. I thought she played the part of the hillbilly girl very well. She must have done her homework on the part. Zellweger even said in the movie that she was smarter than people thought she was. I think that was true. Law did well with his part with all he had to go through to get back to Kidman. It must have been a lot stronger love to go through all that than I thought it was. Now he showed a lot of emotion in his face during his trials. Kidman's part may have had something to do with the fact I chose her performance after the other two. Except when she was depressed she didn't show much emotion, I don't know if that is how the part was written or if that is how she perceived the part. She still did a good job, I just thought the other two were better.

I liked the scene with the Zellweger, Kidman and the rooster, even though it was one of those scenes I mentioned above. I thought the 'Home Guard' was exactly as they probably were back then. Even though we don't hear much about them they were a part of that time. I thought the scenery was beautiful. The movie had everything needed to be a good historical romance.
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an epic
songbird28828 June 2005
This movie moved me more than I was expecting, and I was fully prepared to cry. The acting mainly carried this film, with superb performances from Jude Law, Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellweger, as well as the supporting cast. These actors portrayed characters so intensely human that they lingered the remainder of the night with me, and I had trouble shaking this war drama. The costumes and cinematography were also magical, but didn't get carried away with themselves. They didn't take focus, but added to the whole effect. Cold Mountain could never become my favorite movie, as that title will always belong to The English Patient, but it's in the top five. The story itself was well developed, and stayed fairly unpredictable. I did not find myself guessing what line came next. A heart-wrenching story about humanity and war. In fact, this movie was so strongly real that it was barely noticeable it took place in the 19th century. It seemed to apply to all times.
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Depressing and Desparing
LeonLouisRicci12 April 2013
Overly long and depressing account of mostly the Southern Homefront during the Civil War. This is not at all a pleasant time Historically and it is just the same in this well mounted Production. With Mega-Stars and Mega Character Actors it is one unpleasantness after another with very little left to the imagination.

There was a lot of dreaming and romanticizing during and about this period mostly to conceal the unbelievable pain and suffering but none of that can hide here. This is an anti-war Movie no doubt and it pulls no punches in that regard. But it is so agonizing the Romantic elements can barely penetrate all the nastiness.

Overall, it is a truly disturbing display of Wars inevitable intrusion into the participants lives and dramatically deconstructed the Heart and Soul and renders the most basic Humanisms, but it is not a pretty picture and is quite a despairing piece of work
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One of the greatest movies, ever!
aburgan29 March 2020
Great tale of a confederate deserter during the Civil War. All-Star cast with great performances all around. If you haven't seen it, you're missing something special.
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Film with long lasting impression (on me at least)
e-bouse25 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have not managed to completely block out this film from memory even though it has been two years since I've seen it.

Don't get me wrong - I have long forgotten the main story line - the relationship between Kidman and Law, that made no impression on me but it was the torture scenes in the film that really struck me. I cried for about two hours straight after wards.

It had never previously occurred to me how people, in war time, could take advantage of something as pure as a mother's love. We see several examples of this here - in both the scenes with Natalie Portman and with the mother with her fingers in the fence for keeping her son hidden at home. I was shocked at these scenes and will probably never watch the film again as a consequence because the scenes even now are perfectly clear in my mind. However, I am glad I watched the film simply because it has made me more aware to the horrors of war and the horrible cruelty that mankind can inflict on it's own.

The blonde albino character has been top of my list of most evil bad guy ever since I saw the film. His horrible sneer and lack of any human feeling for the people he tortured really hit a nerve with me. At one point I wanted to get up in the cinema and kill him myself (see the movie pushed me over the edge of reason,it only occurred to me afterward that I'd only be hitting a big screen - that shows the film's power and intensity at least).

I recommend the film for it's sheer experience not for the entwined love story but for the manner in which it depicts war without needing a battlefield.
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A Beautiful Romance in Times of War
claudio_carvalho13 September 2004
In Cold Mountain, North Colorado, near to the period of the American Civil War, the Reverend Monroe (Donald Sutherland) arrives in the small town with his daughter, the shy Ada Monroe (Nicole Kidman), due to health reasons. Ada meets the also shy Inman (Jude Law), and they fall in love with each other. With the beginning of the war, Inman becomes a soldier, and his great support to stay alive is the wish to see Ada in Cold Mountain again. Meanwhile, Ada meets Ruby Thewes (Renée Zellweger), a survivor of the war, who helps her in the farm and becomes her best friend. The story alternates present and past situations, disclosing a beautiful romance. I liked this film a lot. Having names such as Philip Seymour Hoffman, Natalie Portman and Giovanni Ribisi in the supporting cast, a magnificent direction of Anthony Minghella and seven indications to the Oscar, this movie does not disappoint. My remark is that there are some very important scenes deleted in the story and presented in the DVD. At least one of them, which show what happens with Sara, her baby and the three dead bodies in her farm, should not be deleted as it was. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): 'Cold Mountain'
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a grand punching-bag epic of a film
Northstar30 December 2003
I went into this film thinking I wasn't going to like it, but hoping to be surprised, but this, much like the film, ended up being bleak and hopeless. But don't get me wrong, Minghella delivers every bit of a grand epic and for those who enjoy that kind of experience and are willing to take that adventure and accept what comes as just that, then they will not be disappointed and it will be one of the better films of the year in their opinion. The acting is of a high quality and will most likely come away with a trinity of oscar noms for Law, Kidman and Zellweger, even though Portman's few scenes may be the most powerful in the film. The locations are beautiful and Minghella has an eye for a good shot.

However, for those like me who want the director to take them on the adventure instead of going willingly may come away disappointed mainly due to Minghella and his adaptation. The film is so utterly bleak it makes for what I consider to be a punching bag epic which is a film that that tries to hit hard with emotion but does so to such an extreme and so often that during the film I didn't have the time to emotionally invest, or hadn't recovered from a previous blow, and it became unrealistic and consequently too difficult to really care, not to mention predictable. Overall the "Cold Mountain" almost left me too drained to even think back on the good aspects of the film, as all I remember is death, which may have been an original motif but ends up being the focus instead of the characters.
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The fatal flaw with the film, and why Nicole Kidman will lose her career if she's not careful.
Ben_Cheshire14 July 2004
Cold Mountain alternates between the stories of Nicole Kidman, waiting at home for her sweetheart to return from the civil war, and Jude Law, her sweetheart trying to find his way back to her. For conflict we have a rather nasty band of home guard who race around killing deserters... But Jude Law is a deserter... oh no! Run, Jude, run!

Another period tragedy masquerading as romance adapted from a famous novel by Anthony Minghella. This time its a sweethearts separated by the civil war "tell me a tale" story. The plot is Mills and Boone / Midday Melodrama, but so exquisitely filmed with such an exquisite soundtrack that we hardly notice. It maintains a sombre tone throughout, and goes for tears almost non-stop.

I've pinned down the fatal flaw with the film. I felt that Kidman and Law had zero chemistry: that the film worked, but when the two finally met up, it felt wrong, like they were two separate satellites, individually fine, but there was nothing between them. Its built into the structure of the movie. The two hardly know each other before he goes off to war: they kiss, she gives him a photo and speaks in a poor southern accent, and that's it. Then they spend the entire movie not sharing the screen. They have their completely separate story-lines: him at war, and then journeying back to her; her at home waiting for him. So by the time they finally meet, we have gotten to know them both as independent from each other - and somehow this fits. Which is why it seems wrong once they're together. And there's the fact that Kidman is an ICE QUEEN!

She's becoming increasingly cold and distant - and looking more and more like Vivien Leigh. If she's not careful, she may just end up like Vivien. Her career is in danger of disappearing if she doesn't come back down to earth, experience the real world and real people again.

For a female protagonist in this film we needed somebody who the audience could associate with, imprint themselves on - instead we have someone with only relevance to her insulated celluloid world than to us, the audience. She's like a porcelain doll: elegant, but nothing to do with reality.

Zellweger is a definite scene-stealing highlight. A unique, vibrant character - almost a broad character, but not a 2D character.

5/10. Everything about its look is 10/10 stuff. Superb cinematography, great performances from Jude Law, albeit iffy southern accents right the way through, and despite the fact that I did not like Kidman at all in this, I enjoyed it, but its flawed, to my mind, by the lack of a chemistry, and Nicole Kidman's unwelcoming, mannered persona.
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Not A Love Story
keechelus23 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
(Minor spoilers in this post)

Cold Mountain's greatest flaw may have been its wrong-headed promotion as a great one-on-one love story. It is more a revelation of people, place and time.

We avoided the theatrical release, because of the Law-Kidman romance that was promised (just another date movie...), then I read the Charles Frazier book. Oh. Think again.

The film is nearly true to the novel. If anything, Minghella felt compelled to make more of Ada and Inman's budding romance before the war. "I-I don't know you" is spoken several times in voiced letters and at the end in the film. In the novel, they didn't know each other at all: three awkward meetings and one fumbled kiss.

But, as happens in real life, Inman and Ada felt something was possible ... then their worlds were overturned. Minghella is true to Frazier in the bulk of the story.

Ada is a photo that Inman carries, but she really represents HOME: Cold Mountain, his real love. A return to sanity from the insanity of mass murder.

Inman is a photo that Ada keeps. He is a glimpse into the rural life she began to appreciate after her unhappy girlhood in the crinolines and parasols of Charleston. Her scholarly father was her one true friend. His early death left her completely alone, neither fish nor fowl.

Until kindly Sally Swanger (Kathy Baker) sends Ruby Thewes (Renée Z) over to kill that floggin' rooster, and shows her how to survive.

Maybe that's what disappoints many formula love-story critics. Law and Kidman are apart for nearly the entire film. Ruby and Ada get that place a-workin' -- just enough to last the winters at first, but functioning. Ada doesn't pine for Inman; in her letters she is caring, then as times get worse, she is very strong: "If you are fighting, stop fighting. If you are marching, stop marching. Come home. Come home to Cold Mountain. That is my request."

Another frequent complaint is that Cold Mountain is "episodic". Yeah, it is. That's the structure of the novel. Inman's desperate journey is another retelling of Homer's Odyssey - and that was THE love story of the ages, more than Romeo and Juliet.

This is a story of the War Between The States, but one that looks beyond the the glory and horror of Gettysburg, Antietam and Manassas. This ain't "Gods and Generals" ... this is about a few ordinary people in an obscure corner of America. Inman's journey is a way of revealing how that war's evil claws reached the most innocent folks. And turned a few of them unspeakably cruel.

Perhaps Frazier and Minghella did not intend to remind us, but their story was echoed in 1990's Bosnia; and too many other places today.

Cold Mountain: the Frazier novel curled all my toes with its poetry, suspense and aching love of the mountains. Minghella earns two of my thumbs and a few toes for getting it on film.

10/10 for the book; 8.5/10 for the movie.
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Find your way home
Lady_Targaryen23 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
''Cold Mountain'' is a very dramatic movie, that goes through the days of the American Civil War. With a cast full of celebrities like Jude Law,Nicole Kidman,Renée Zellweger,Philip Seymour Hoffman,Natalie Portman among others, this film was adapted, because it is a novel by Charles Frazier. A nice thing I discovered, was that this movie was mostly filmed in Romania! ( Count Dracula's land)

Inman is a Confederate soldier thatis in love with Ada. But Inman needs to go to a war, and Ada, a city girl who moved to a farm recently, will wait for him. Ada needs the help of Ruby, a country girl, to make the farm function. Showing many difficulties of the war and the pain of many characters, I think this is a very depressing movie,specially because W. P. Inman really existed.
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Invested with nobility
bkoganbing23 July 2012
Anthony Minghella knew something of the Civil War in locating his story in North Carolina. Of all the states that seceded to form the Confederacy, North Carolina may have been the most reluctant. It's Governor Zebulon Vance who is mentioned in the story dragged his feet in giving help to the Confederate government and its citizens save for the east where the plantations were never really embraced the Southern cause. Jude Law's attitude about fighting for a rich man to own slaves was not at all uncommon in North Carolina.

Which after a well staged recreation of the siege at Petersburg which when the north blew up the Confederate defenses by tunneling under and mining them with explosives did not have the desired result, Law decides he's sick of war and just quits to go back to his sweetheart Nicole Kidman on Cold Mountain. In the meantime Nicole is having her own problems just keeping body, soul, and property together on the small family farm. So the film proceeds along two tracks of Law's journey and Kidman's problems.

The stronger track for me is clearly Kidman and her problems. Renee Zellweger won a Best Supporting Actress Award for playing a young white trash woman who Kidman takes on for just board and feed to help with the farm. Without her help the farm's survival would be problematic although she has to put up with some pithy observation as well. Zellweger invests this simple character with so many dimensions her performance even without the Oscar capping it is her personal best. Kidman while not to the plantation manor born being the daughter of minister Donald Sutherland also is not used to manual farm labor. She grows in character as the film progresses.

As for Law and Kidman as well he has to worry about the Home guard, a self appointed group of militia taking over because official government machinery has broken down. Probably before the war they were slave catchers, now they hunt deserters and those who aid and abet them. Giovanni Ribisi also scores well as a young man in the home guard who declined to serve at places like Petersburg. Ribisi is some piece of work.

Besides Zellweger's Oscar, Cold Mountain was deservedly nominated for a flock of other Oscars. It's a marvelous look at the decline of the Confederacy, a cause that simply would not die quietly. In its own way the survivors are invested with the same kind of nobility that the Gone With The Wind cast was.
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Zellweger steals the show
moviemanMA21 July 2005
Some movies has great acting that make the movie. This is a perfect example. Without Renee Zellweger giving an Oscar winning performance, this movie would not have been enjoyable. Her portrayal of Ruby Thewes, the tough talking farm girl who doesn't take nothing' from nobody. It was this character that saved the movie.

The movie focuses on the journey taken by Inman (Jude Law) on his way back from the Civil War to find his lover Ada Monroe (Nicole Kidman). On this journey he comes across some unsavory characters and has to tough it out to find his way back to Ada. Meanwhile, Ada must keep try and keep the farm with the help of Ruby. Ada doesn't know much about farming but since her father just passed away, she must make it or break it. Hiding two deserters from the war, one being Ruby's father, doesn't make things easier with the local law enforcement always keeping an eye out on the area for people hiding deserters.

This movie isn't terrible, but it isn't unbelievable either. If it weren't for Zellweger's performance, the movie would not be even close to the caliber of greatness. It is a good watch with some thrills and entertaining portions. The journey that Inman embarks on isn't an easy one and does have its surprises. Overall Cold Mountain is worth a viewing but may not be the right choice to buy. This film isn't for everyone but for those who like great acting, this is the place.
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Fantastic sound track
tylermiranda_re18 January 2019
Jack White's music in particular his voice set a tone for the whole film.
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Not Everything It Was Made Out To Be - But Good.
charmedaddict66612 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of those that was built up just a little too much. Don't get me wrong, I did like it - but it was 2 and a half hours and some of it just didn't seem to flow as well as I thought it would.

The whole thing was touching and lovely, if a slight boring. To me other films that I have enjoyed (I won't list since this is about Cold Mountain, nothing else) which involved the characters falling in love and beating the odds have found two actors who have a lot of on-screen chemistry. So much that you just want to leap off of your chair and grab them and bang their heads together and you even get butterflies of frustration when things don't go that way.

But, Jude Law (Inman) and Nicole Kidman (Ada) just didn't give me that feeling. They're characters were too rushed it seemed and when 'that' kiss happened it was too predictable and too cheesy for a film with such a bitter under taste of death and depression.

The film picked up, though, I thought when Renée Zellweger was introduced as the charming Ruby Thewes. Her character had a lot of depth but you weren't bored to tears by her past but instead were intrigued into why she was the way she seemed but at the same time you just enjoyed her on-screen time. And also when Phillip Seymour Hoffman took up the role as the priest with his roving eye and the love for that saw I had to admit, I thought the film was getting good.

Natalie Portman, Ray Winstone, Emily Deschanel, Kathy Backer and Brendan Gleeson all took up the other roles in the film, however short, and in their own ways added some sort of attributes to it. In my opinion if it had just been a love saga without other characters we could look at, I would have been bored to tears (And I actually like those kinds of films.) And though the film was supposed to be focused on Nicole Kidman and Jude Law's characters love, I'm afraid to say that all my attention was on Renée Zellwegers characters development with Georgia and how their relationship would work. Screen chemistry is a must for me and if I can't see any then it's not worth the £15.99 I paid for it.

There were good bits in this film though, some acting (Not Jude Law's best attempt, though it has to be said he didn't have many lines), the scenery, the battle sequences and the fact we went back and forth for a while which kept my attention. What didn't keep my attention was the fact they could have told the story in 2 hours instead of boring me with other sequences that didn't need to be there.

The ending was predictable although it was raved about being "very shocking and unexpected." I felt sorry, almost, for Jude Law. He had around a page worth of lines and didn't even get a hero's ending as the poor bugger went and died. Quiet pathetically in my opinion, please don't let him die in other films. (He just can't act) I'd give it a 7/10 - and thats because I loved the Ruby character.
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The Slender Thread
Hitchcoc7 December 2006
I've always reacted against the ugliness of war. The politicians who send others to fight for them, sitting back, pontificating about the justice of battle. This is a slice of life story where two people are victims of forces they can only hope to avoid. Having read the book and knowing how it ended (no spoilers here), I sat back and watched what went on, seeing how certain figures were presented. Renee Zelwigger as Ruby, of course, dominates every scene she is in. She takes it all on. She is equipped to survive where others are not. I would like to find out if there really were groups of raiders who sought out deserters. I sometimes wonder if people knew half the time who was actually in a battalion, let alone sending out warrants on them. Were people pursued like Jude Law was? I need to find a Civil War scholar. The movie is episodic, like a modern day Odyssey. Every obstacle just leads to a more overwhelming one. Was there no kindness? Were all betrayers? Anyway, I felt a great sense of having been in a fight at the conclusion of this film. See it for its intensity and its life. Some of the acting is a bit wooden, but the course is rough and the way hard. That's what the film is all about.
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War is all hell.
rmax30482326 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There's a stunning scene towards the end when Jude Law approaches his long-lost girlfriend, Nicole Kidman, on a snowy path through what appears to be an archway of rock pinnacles all dusted with white. Law is hardly more than a scrawny black scarecrow in a slouch hat. Not recognizing him after a year's absence she fires two warning shots towards him. He is shaken and begins to turn away, thinking she's forgotten him, but then awareness comes to her and she calls out, "Inman?"

Now, what follows ought to be a slow-motion shot of the two figures running towards each other and weeping with joy. She runs and weeps and laughs in slow motion. He runs and weeps and laughs in slow motion. But, no. Minghella, the director, has Law and Kidman crunch towards one another cautiously, as if neither is entirely certain that what is happening is not an hallucination. And Minghella cuts away from the reunion after only a brief and tasteful moment.

The movie is a series of rather loosely linked episodes, cutting back and forth between Law making his lonely and dangerous way back home from the battlefield, and Kidman who is about to starve on her wretched farm because, as a gentlewoman, she was taught only what was useless. She can name all the plants in Latin but she can't grow them. Renee Zellweger shows up at the opportune moment, a no-nonsense practical independent and blunt young woman who is able to show Kidman the ropes.

The initial meeting between Law and Kidman only lasts for a few minutes, and they are together at the end just long enough for the anticipated climax, so to speak, but everything in between the beginning and the end kind of meanders about, like one of the ox bow lakes that Law must traverse during his journey. What the heck is going on?

What seems to be going on is mostly two things. First, the movie gives us a pretty good ethnographic picture of the folks who lived in the Upland South in the 1860s. (Good production design and wardrobe.) There are no magnificent steps in the Big House for Bette Davis to trip down in a hoop skirt, just old weathered shacks whose shingles need replacing and whose corn cribs must be filled if the inhabitants are to survive the winter. Come to think of it, there are no hoop skirts at all. Everyone is dressed in more than usually drab garments, usually dirty. Even the women's underwear is yellow and blotched. The dialog isn't noticeably Upland South though. In the Lowland South, say around Charleston, "sir" becomes "suh," but in the mountains it is "sirr." Not an important point.

Because of their beards and raggedy clothing the men tend to look alike. They all look like Chuck Norris, unless they are older and look like James Gammon. In fact one of them IS James Gammon. Nicole Kidman's visage is as sleek as her figure. She could be the hood ornament on an old, ornate automobile.

Some of the episodes are more interesting than others although it was never too difficult to figure out who would survive and who would die. Philip Seymour Hoffman as one of those pasquinades of pastoral piety is a riot. What music he lends his lines! And at one point Law is invited to spend the night in bed with Natalie Portman, her husband long dead, who writhes with grief, guilt, and horniness as she asks him to promise that if he lies down next to her he "won't go no further." Righto! It reminded me of a similar scene in which a lad was successfully tested in "Tales of the Arabian Nights", to which the translator, Richard Burton, had added a rare footnote -- "The young man must have been a demon of chastity."

I have a feeling there is a moral to this movie. The moral is that war should be entered into only as a last resort, but I'm not sure.
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One of the best war movies
wie_ein_wilder_stier22 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
My mother told me that I would probably not like "Cold Mountain", because the love story in it, the romantic part would be too big for a male audience. But I have nothing against a nice romantic part, as long as it does not get corny or is filled up with bad clichés. "Cold Mountain" does not.

The focus of this movie is war. Every scene seems to be connected with the civil war and like "Saving Private Ryan" showed us the cruel nature or World War II, "Cold Mountain" shows the cruel nature of any war, led by human fate and desire.

The battle scene at the beginning makes ourselves think: why should anyone go voluntary to war? Jude Law's character refuses to go and he deserts. Now, it is like the Greek story of Odysseus. He needs to go through a strange scenery and country and of course the military is hunting him because of his desertion.

Meanwhile, we see Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellweger back home at the plantation. This part could become a true cliché, but it does not, because the audience needs a refuge of the war. It is quit peacefull, until the war strikes there, too. But in fact, the civil war did not elide any part of the country or any person at all. Everyone gets tortured, psychically or physically. Or both like the Jude Law character.

I liked "Cold Mountain" because of its universal message about war. What is war? This movie does not say yes or no to one party, it just shows the nature of war and how it horrors. No way out.

Another positive point was the work of the director of photography, John Seale. He gives them all an epic touch. Director and writer Anthony Minghella did nothing wrong and I found it almost surprising that "Cold Mountain", a movie with no Best Picture nomination at the annual Academy Awards is in fact such an essential war movie that contains without any doubts to the best of his genre.

The actors are also very well. Law, Kidman, Zellweger and Ray Winstone. They are all great and there is no negative comment for them.

Finally, "Cold Mountain" does of course use a good-and-bad scheme, but the realistic environment and the refusing of an happy-ending make it to a very fine production.
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Beautiful-looking and compelling in parts, but falls short of greatness
Sabriane2 January 2004
This film is a sad reminder that an impeccable pedigree does not guarantee an impeccable result. Great cast, a powerful story, amazing cinematography, a director whose previous two films I enjoyed immensely - so why does this movie feel so underwhelming and hollow?

Well, the biggest obstacle for me is the central relationship of Inman and Ada. I love Jude Law and Nicole Kidman, but their scenes together are the weakest link that ultimately undoes the chain. In a film where your star-crossed lovers spend most of the time apart, it is crucial that one believes in their love and wishes for them to get back together, and that's just something the film fails to do completely. One could blame the fact that Ada and Inman spend barely any time together before they're torn apart by the war, but when you come down to it I simply felt no chemistry whatsoever between them. There's far more sparkles flying between the characters of Renee Zellwegger and Jack White, for crying out loud.

On their own, Law and Kidman fare with varying results. Kidman's Ada turned out to be a far more sympathetic character than I expected her to be, and her growth from a helpless and clueless house plant into a self-sufficient farmer is convincing even if not exactly demanding. Jude Law tries hard to inject some humanity into Inman, but his supposed suffering over the horrors he's seen and done never really rings true.

It is also a problem IMO when your main characters are getting constantly upstaged by the far more interesting supporting players. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is fantastic (as always) as a fallen priest who tries to commit a murder. I noticed that people either love or hate Renee Zellwegger's plucky Ruby. For my part I was initially distracted by her over-acting and the way every word comes out of her mouth like a pistol shot, but she definitely injects some energy and no-nonsense humour into the film. It's a flamboyant and showy part that is bound to get awards, but for my money the best supporting moment belongs to Natalie Portman as a single mother struggling to survive all by herself in the woods. The scenes with her are the most poignant and hard-hitting in the film and really make you feel that the horror and cruelties and senseless waste of war is not confined to the battlefields.

Unfortunately all this good stuff is not enough to give Cold Mountain a true emotional core, or make it the sweeping epic it clearly strives to be.
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Overblown, Tedious, Boring Melodrama
spikey0128 December 2003
Kidman and Law lack the chemistry to make this sloppily directed, poorly written romance/melodrama work on any level other than grandiosity. Kidman pouts and

pines wistfully for her absent lover Law. She's just met him when he's whisked off to do battle for the South in the Civil War, and they've only exchanged about 5 sentences and one kiss, yet they're totally smitten. Law's main direction throughout seems to be `Look vacant and shell-shocked, but sensitive.' Rene Zellweger is about the only spark in this dreary script, but she plays it way too broad and over the top, like she was starring in `Annie Get Your Gun.' Yee-hah boy howdy! Something about her character felt more like it belonged in a Monty Python sketch - the one from `Holy Grail' where the peasants spend all their time wallowing in muck making mud pies for no reason. Kidman is a smart enough actress to stay out of her way whenever she can. Their scenes together are like a comic book hidden inside a Victorian Era novel.

Whenever the action bogs down into total tedium, which is frequently, all the writers do is shout `Cue the Simon Legree-type Villain!' and Teague (Ray Winstone) comes galloping out of nowhere to do his unspeakably dastardly acts, like kill and torture innocent God-fearing townspeople in the name of loyalty to a fast-fading

Confederacy. All other times, he's missing in action, which is preposterous even in this cornball script. There is a plethora of other talented actors who give credible performances in small roles. These are the characters Law meets as he does his Johnny Appleseed trek from the front lines, where he has deserted, to the hopefully loving embrace of Kidman back in Cold Mountain. Ultimately though, none of these characters matter. Law has no time for them or their lives. Each of these little mini-movies has the same tired theme: war is gol-durn heck, and turns otherwise decent Christian folk into rabid animals.

And the script is far too predictable, too heavy-handed. Moreover, the pacing of the story is dreadfully slow. You spend the entire movie waiting for Romeo and Juliet's inevitable reunion, with Kidman wringing her hands and sighing, Law overcoming incredible odds and dodging bullets. And when it finally comes you just don't care anymore. You'll be looking at your watch wondering how much more of this clap you have to endure.

I give it one star out of five for the battle scenes. There is a potent anti-war message here. The incredible lack of concern for the loss of life by the Generals on both sides of the conflict is powerful stuff. But it's only about 15 minutes of this 150-minute dog.
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