Thu, Oct 30, 1986
Judau and the crew of the Argama receive a transmission from Hayato Kobayashi informing that Haman is attempting to drop a colony from side four onto the city of Dublin, and asks for their in helping the citizens evacuate. The crew of the Argama then watches in horror as the colony impacts the city, sending out a massive shockwave and causing insurmountable destruction.
Fri, Nov 7, 1986
In the aftermath of the colony drop, Dublin is left in ruin, with over hundreds dead. The remainder of the Gundam team scout the area, while Glemy decides it is time to awaken Ple Two. Judau's anger combined with his new-type powers forces Rakan to retreat, while Ple warns Bright of an approaching threat, which is Ple Two in the Psyco Gundam Mk II.