This anime film is a sequel of Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle (1987) and the last in the alternative timeline with the same origin story.
'This is the only time that voice actor Mike McFarland has voiced Emperor Pilaf. In all his other appearances he was voiced by Chuck Huber. Chuck provided the voice of Master Shen.
The Mexican VHS of Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure released in 1998 is different to American and Japanese versions, contains the warning of not to piracy in Spanish with the VideoVisa logo from 1998 to 1999 and the Dragon Ball movies VHS promo.
The only Dragon Ball animated film with the character of Shu is voiced by Ricardo Hill from Dragon Ball (1986) in Latin Spanish dubbing.
In Latin Spanish dubbing, the voices of the main characters is not the same of the anime series, Oolong is voiced by Arturo Mercado replacing to Ernesto Lezama, Mai is voiced by Isabel Martiñón replacing to Carola Vázquez, General Blue is voiced by Sergio Bonilla replacing to Salvador Delgado, Sergeant Metallic is voiced by Eduardo Borja replacing to Gerardo Reyero and Arale Norimaki is voiced by Gaby Ugarte replacing to Vanessa Arvizu and Monica Estrada.