So, 6. Okt. 1985
Class teacher Buys's favorite pupil farm-boy Filip, who rendered services in kind, graduated as only kid in his class, but his proud parents regret the costs of university. Rotterdam new student Joop presents himself, followed by a class in arrogant Dutch free radio DJ-style. A candid camera scene in a record shop where absurd 'security devices' are applied.
So, 13. Okt. 1985
Teacher Buys and a lifeguard comment on swimming after pupil Michael explained chemically the dermatological perils of swimming in a pool where knavish schoolboys sneakily urinate. Buys, Hans and the author discuss sign language. Buys and an interviewed uniformed cop comment on cycling and bike theft. Buys and the school cook discuss mess food.
So, 20. Okt. 1985
Class teacher Buys helps his pupils prepare for the exams, discussing matters like dress code. In English class, pronouncing th, given the lamentable interviews given by allophones sportsmen and pop artists. The merits and of series Dallas and alcohol. Some candid camera, mainly with a wacky table.