411 reviews
"October Sky" is a film that will steal your heart, fill your mind with vivid imagery, and lift your spirit. The tale of Homer Hickham and his dream of creating a rocket seem so simple at first, especially when the film is set in a mining town, where the future is as clear cut as the lumps of coal in the mine. But Homer cannot follow in his father's footsteps. With the encouragement of Miss Riley,(a friendly teacher), members of his father's staff, and his friends, Homer attempts to make his dream a reality.
Yet as in any true to life story, there are many stops along the way. Director Joe Johnston lowers us into the coal mines, where we witness the chilling plight of miners stooped beneath a ceiling of rock. With lit helmets and bent posture, they resembled alien insectoids more than humans in the darkness. The hacking coughs of the miners and the blackened faces were a constant reminder of the danger the miners faced in their work.
Contrasting the mine shaft's lugubrious load are the images of Homer and his friend's rocket launches. Underneath the blue bowl of sky, rockets are placed upon a pad and launched into the stratosphere...And nothing can match the scene when Homer sees Sputnik for the first time.
Yet what makes the film so endearing is the relationship between the characters. Homer's father is a classic hardened man...but he has a soft side as well. We see that he does love his son, despite their many arguments. The love and support of Miss Riley is evident as well. Best of all, the film is uncomfortable. It doesn't tie everything up in a nice bow. It tears at you, lifts you up. It keeps an air of reality, which is important in a film like this.
This film can be considered a complete work. At first, I was disappointed that the film did not continue with Homer's life. I didn't want it to end. Then I realized...that's what a good film does to a person. If it has done its job, you won't want it to end. And "October Sky" accomplishes just that.
Yet as in any true to life story, there are many stops along the way. Director Joe Johnston lowers us into the coal mines, where we witness the chilling plight of miners stooped beneath a ceiling of rock. With lit helmets and bent posture, they resembled alien insectoids more than humans in the darkness. The hacking coughs of the miners and the blackened faces were a constant reminder of the danger the miners faced in their work.
Contrasting the mine shaft's lugubrious load are the images of Homer and his friend's rocket launches. Underneath the blue bowl of sky, rockets are placed upon a pad and launched into the stratosphere...And nothing can match the scene when Homer sees Sputnik for the first time.
Yet what makes the film so endearing is the relationship between the characters. Homer's father is a classic hardened man...but he has a soft side as well. We see that he does love his son, despite their many arguments. The love and support of Miss Riley is evident as well. Best of all, the film is uncomfortable. It doesn't tie everything up in a nice bow. It tears at you, lifts you up. It keeps an air of reality, which is important in a film like this.
This film can be considered a complete work. At first, I was disappointed that the film did not continue with Homer's life. I didn't want it to end. Then I realized...that's what a good film does to a person. If it has done its job, you won't want it to end. And "October Sky" accomplishes just that.
I first saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Jarhead (2005) a little while back and, since then, I've been watching every one of his movies that arrives on my radar screen. Like Clive Owen, he has an intensity (and he even resembles Owen somewhat) that just oozes from the screen. I feel sure that, if he lands some meaty roles, he'll crack an Oscar one day...
That's not to denigrate this film at all.
It's a fine story, with very believable people (well, it's based upon the author's early shenanigans with rocketry), a great cast Chris Cooper is always good, and Laura Dern is always on my watch list with the appropriate mix of humor, pathos, excitement...and the great sound track with so many rock n roll oldies to get the feet tapping.
But, this film had a very special significance for me: in 1957, I was the same age as Homer Hickham; like him, I looked up at the night stars to watch Sputnik as it scudded across the blackness; like Homer also, I experimented with rocketry in my backyard and used even the exact same chemicals for fuel; and like Homer, I also had most of my attempts end in explosive disaster! What fun it was...
I didn't achieve his great (metaphorical and physical) heights though. But, that's what you find out when you see this movie.
Sure, it's a basic family movie, but that's a dying breed these days, it seems. Take the time to see it, with the kids: you'll all have a lot of good laughs.
That's not to denigrate this film at all.
It's a fine story, with very believable people (well, it's based upon the author's early shenanigans with rocketry), a great cast Chris Cooper is always good, and Laura Dern is always on my watch list with the appropriate mix of humor, pathos, excitement...and the great sound track with so many rock n roll oldies to get the feet tapping.
But, this film had a very special significance for me: in 1957, I was the same age as Homer Hickham; like him, I looked up at the night stars to watch Sputnik as it scudded across the blackness; like Homer also, I experimented with rocketry in my backyard and used even the exact same chemicals for fuel; and like Homer, I also had most of my attempts end in explosive disaster! What fun it was...
I didn't achieve his great (metaphorical and physical) heights though. But, that's what you find out when you see this movie.
Sure, it's a basic family movie, but that's a dying breed these days, it seems. Take the time to see it, with the kids: you'll all have a lot of good laughs.
- RJBurke1942
- Mar 17, 2007
- Permalink
This is a fine drama and a nice change of pace from today's more hectic and loud films. It is another solid based-on-a-true store, which still means much of it could be made up for dramatic purposes. Frankly, I don't know but I liked the story.
The story is about a young man back in the Fifties who gets interested in rocketry and wants to enter that field instead of working in the coal mines as everyone else, including his father, does in this West Virginia town. The big problem is the conflict it causes between the boy and his father, which I think was overdone. I would like to have a little less tension between the two.
The young man, still a boy, is played by Jake Gyllenhaal, one of his first staring assignments, I think. He's likable, as are his school buddies in here. It's nice to see nice kids in a modern-day film. The two other key actors in the movie are Chris Cooper (the dad) and Laura Dern (the kid's teacher who encourages him all the time.)
The cinematography is decent the 1950s soundtrack is fun to hear. Once again: I wish there more of these kind of films made today.
The story is about a young man back in the Fifties who gets interested in rocketry and wants to enter that field instead of working in the coal mines as everyone else, including his father, does in this West Virginia town. The big problem is the conflict it causes between the boy and his father, which I think was overdone. I would like to have a little less tension between the two.
The young man, still a boy, is played by Jake Gyllenhaal, one of his first staring assignments, I think. He's likable, as are his school buddies in here. It's nice to see nice kids in a modern-day film. The two other key actors in the movie are Chris Cooper (the dad) and Laura Dern (the kid's teacher who encourages him all the time.)
The cinematography is decent the 1950s soundtrack is fun to hear. Once again: I wish there more of these kind of films made today.
- ccthemovieman-1
- Apr 9, 2006
- Permalink
I have yet to read "The Rocket Boys", the book upon which this film is based, but this situation will not continue! I did read a short story by Hickam which was apparently the seed that started him on the novel. It grabbed me even then.
I am one of those fortunate enough to have lived adjacent to Cape Canaveral during the Mercury program, where my father worked, and this childhood situation no doubt fostered my lifelong interests and hobbies. I also met Werner von Braun, and one of the other German rocket scientists repaired a rubber band driven model plane I had (I WISH I still had that plane!) I mention this because I went into the movie with serious expectations and very much desired to see a film with authentic treatments for the nostalgia and emotions of the period.
I was not disappointed. While there were superficial flaws here and there, the movie came together like so few Hollywood films do. Good storytelling, authentic emotions and period atmosphere. As others have experienced at this excellent film, I was choked up at the end and had to wipe away the tears. The father of the family next to me asked to borrow my spare paper napkin to wipe his tears. About half the audience applauded at the end, and most everyone stayed through the credits. It's just one of those films.
Not the greatest movie ever made, but one of the best family movies in a long time.
I am one of those fortunate enough to have lived adjacent to Cape Canaveral during the Mercury program, where my father worked, and this childhood situation no doubt fostered my lifelong interests and hobbies. I also met Werner von Braun, and one of the other German rocket scientists repaired a rubber band driven model plane I had (I WISH I still had that plane!) I mention this because I went into the movie with serious expectations and very much desired to see a film with authentic treatments for the nostalgia and emotions of the period.
I was not disappointed. While there were superficial flaws here and there, the movie came together like so few Hollywood films do. Good storytelling, authentic emotions and period atmosphere. As others have experienced at this excellent film, I was choked up at the end and had to wipe away the tears. The father of the family next to me asked to borrow my spare paper napkin to wipe his tears. About half the audience applauded at the end, and most everyone stayed through the credits. It's just one of those films.
Not the greatest movie ever made, but one of the best family movies in a long time.
- backseat-2
- Feb 20, 1999
- Permalink
1.) This movie was amazing! I watched it while I was in the town next to the one where he grew up! I went and saw the buildings that the story took place in. Overall, I loved this movie, One of Jake Gyllenhaal's best!! Also- my favorite parts were the science fair, and all the times with his father. They were so sad, it seemed. Homer wanted to follow his dream and his dad didn't seem to care one way or another. That tag line is true. "Sometimes One Dream is bright enough to light up the sky." 2.) The way this movie was shot was impeccable, it was all so believable that it could have been recorded during the 1950's. Dress was accurate and they had their slang down too. Definitely recommend this movie!
- haydensprincess2005
- Mar 23, 2005
- Permalink
I have recently seen this movie due to Jake's recent success with Brokeback Mountain. I figured I would see the movies that I missed. I had no expectations going into the film so was astounded that I had missed this movie at all. It's a gripping father and son tale, and it is also an underdog story. I even shed a tear at the finale of this wonderful tale. This movie appeals to all ages. The only reason I give it a 9 out of 10 is that it slows down a little in the middle, but it comes back strong in the end. The acting was great, the story was magnificent, and the cinematography was captivating given the setting of the film. GO SEE THIS MOVIE! Rent it, buy it, watch it, LOVE IT! I know I did!
I just accidentally stumbled over this film on TV one day. It was aired in the middle of the day on a channel not exactly famous for airing good movies. This one, however, was nothing less then good.
October Sky tells the true story of Homer Hickam, a boy inspired by the Sputnick launch to become a rocket scientist. He and his friends begin to build rockets. His father is not to happy about his sons new found hobby and would rather see him become a coal-miner as himself or go to college on a football-scholarship like his brother.
The story is well written. A bit too predictable maybe, but that's OK cause it doesn't focus too much on those parts of the story. It's important part, but where this is obvious the inner action, the action between the characters is focused on. The story is good. It has some clichés, but that's OK. It's based on actual event's so you kind of can't just drop out these clichés. The characters are really good. Where the story is on a downhill the characters are brought out and manage to keep the action and the quality of the movie high. You get to know these characters and you get sympathy for them. They are well written and believable.
This is a good looking movie. The sets and the 50's style is thorough and the pictures are well composed and well lit. This all sets the mood of the film very good.
The acting is really good. Jake Gyllenhaal delivers a great performance as Homer Hickam and Chris Cooper is good as John Hickam. As for the rest of the cast they are good too. All together this makes out a pretty strong cast.
All in all I'm glad I caught this movie. It was first after seeing it I learned that it was based on actual events. If I had known that when seeing it, it would probably just be even more interesting. October Sky is a good and interesting movie. It's a movie I believe everyone can enjoy. It's kind of a feel-good movie. Not bad at all!
October Sky tells the true story of Homer Hickam, a boy inspired by the Sputnick launch to become a rocket scientist. He and his friends begin to build rockets. His father is not to happy about his sons new found hobby and would rather see him become a coal-miner as himself or go to college on a football-scholarship like his brother.
The story is well written. A bit too predictable maybe, but that's OK cause it doesn't focus too much on those parts of the story. It's important part, but where this is obvious the inner action, the action between the characters is focused on. The story is good. It has some clichés, but that's OK. It's based on actual event's so you kind of can't just drop out these clichés. The characters are really good. Where the story is on a downhill the characters are brought out and manage to keep the action and the quality of the movie high. You get to know these characters and you get sympathy for them. They are well written and believable.
This is a good looking movie. The sets and the 50's style is thorough and the pictures are well composed and well lit. This all sets the mood of the film very good.
The acting is really good. Jake Gyllenhaal delivers a great performance as Homer Hickam and Chris Cooper is good as John Hickam. As for the rest of the cast they are good too. All together this makes out a pretty strong cast.
All in all I'm glad I caught this movie. It was first after seeing it I learned that it was based on actual events. If I had known that when seeing it, it would probably just be even more interesting. October Sky is a good and interesting movie. It's a movie I believe everyone can enjoy. It's kind of a feel-good movie. Not bad at all!
- Dr_Coulardeau
- Jun 2, 2007
- Permalink
On Oct 4th, 1957, the Soviet Union launches Sputnik into orbit raising anxiety throughout the land. Homer Hickam (Jake Gyllenhaal) is 17 living in Coalwood, West Virginia. His commanding father John (Chris Cooper) is the mine supervisor and expects his son to join him even though it's dangerous and the mine faces layoffs. Science teacher Miss Riley (Laura Dern) tries to raise interest in Sputnik but the only kid excited is class nerd Quentin Wilson. After seeing Sputnik in the night sky, Homer decides to build a rocket. With the help of his two friends Roy Lee Cooke and Sherman O'Dell as well as Miss Riley and Quentin, they overcome obstacles to do the unexpected.
This is a fine inspirational based-on-true-story movie. The acting is great from everybody. The story is light drama. In the end, the obstacles aren't epic and there are no real surprises. It has a good message and compelling characters. It also has good relationships.
This is a fine inspirational based-on-true-story movie. The acting is great from everybody. The story is light drama. In the end, the obstacles aren't epic and there are no real surprises. It has a good message and compelling characters. It also has good relationships.
- SnoopyStyle
- Dec 2, 2014
- Permalink
When I first saw the premise, I thought the movie would be similar to VARSITY BLUES (without the sports, of course)...somewhat cheesy and predictable. However as the story develops, one will notice that Joe Johnston actually had a well-thought out plan for this feature. The story is moving and compelling, and will affect you emotionally in ways movies like these rarely do.
The reason? It's a simple movie, with a relatively familiar backdrop, but it's done very straightforwardly with no hint of pretension. At times there is some degree of predictability, but then the story takes rather unexpected turns. Just when you think you know exactly what will happen, the movie will prove your alleged clairvoyance wrong.
The standout in this movie for me is the interaction between Jake Gyllenhaal and Chris Cooper. This interaction provides one of the more complex and layered father/son relationships you will see in a movie of this nature. Laura Dern also has a small role but manages it quite effectively.
Moreover, much has been done to recreate the 1950s ambiance; from the costumes to the art decoration to the architecture, this movie looks and feels like it is based in the 1950s, adding to the overall viewing experience.
I would recommend this for anyone looking to see a (much) better-than-average film about belief in oneself and achieving one's dreams in the face of adversity, although this movie is much more than just that. Not for those who think cheesy special effects and mind-numbingly lewd comedy are prerequisites for a good film.
3.5 stars (out of 4). 8/10. Should warrant a place in my Honourable Mentions list.
The reason? It's a simple movie, with a relatively familiar backdrop, but it's done very straightforwardly with no hint of pretension. At times there is some degree of predictability, but then the story takes rather unexpected turns. Just when you think you know exactly what will happen, the movie will prove your alleged clairvoyance wrong.
The standout in this movie for me is the interaction between Jake Gyllenhaal and Chris Cooper. This interaction provides one of the more complex and layered father/son relationships you will see in a movie of this nature. Laura Dern also has a small role but manages it quite effectively.
Moreover, much has been done to recreate the 1950s ambiance; from the costumes to the art decoration to the architecture, this movie looks and feels like it is based in the 1950s, adding to the overall viewing experience.
I would recommend this for anyone looking to see a (much) better-than-average film about belief in oneself and achieving one's dreams in the face of adversity, although this movie is much more than just that. Not for those who think cheesy special effects and mind-numbingly lewd comedy are prerequisites for a good film.
3.5 stars (out of 4). 8/10. Should warrant a place in my Honourable Mentions list.
- varundelpiero
- Oct 18, 2008
- Permalink
First, I want to note that I saw this movie by myself one Saturday afternoon because none of my friends were interested in viewing such a "boring" movie. However, being such a film fanatic, I like to give everything a good chance. So, I journeyed down the sidewalk to the local theater, bought some popcorn, and prepared myself for a nice, "boring" matinee on an extremely cold day in Boston.
My conclusion...I loved it. Admittingly, I'm a pushover for American dramas, and although this movie didn't involve the decorated war hero or the powerful statesman, it definately gives the viewer a warm feeling upon leaving the theater. Centered around Homer's struggle with his father and a determination to design a rocket, the film does justice in proving that the American Dream still exists. Furthermore, solid performances from a young cast and an emotional, thought provoking musical score added to its appeal.
I am looking forward to more films like "October" in the future.
My conclusion...I loved it. Admittingly, I'm a pushover for American dramas, and although this movie didn't involve the decorated war hero or the powerful statesman, it definately gives the viewer a warm feeling upon leaving the theater. Centered around Homer's struggle with his father and a determination to design a rocket, the film does justice in proving that the American Dream still exists. Furthermore, solid performances from a young cast and an emotional, thought provoking musical score added to its appeal.
I am looking forward to more films like "October" in the future.
- Rosebud-49
- Sep 18, 1999
- Permalink
I resisted seeing this movie and I understand why it was not a big hit in theatres. "October Sky" feels and looks oh so familiar. And it is. All plot contrivances and emotions have been explored before in other films -- and possibly even better. But despite it's familiarity and resistance to all formulas Hollywood, this movie is winning and likeable at every turn.
Sputnik is the inspiration for this journey of the heart, mind and soul. Just as the characters from Steven Sondheim's musical MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG stood agape atop their apartment roof hoping it would launch their new generation ("What do you call it? You call it a miracle."), Sputnik has a similar affect on the young rocket boys of this true tale. While jaded townsfolk of their 1950's coal town dismiss the event, Homer Hickham sees Sputnik as his ticket out of a life in the mines.
Masterful direction and casting make the journey of rocket boy Homer and his pals seem fresh and new. Especially affecting are subplots concerning Homer's ailing young school teacher. Remarkable restraint is shown in depicting their delicate relationship. Also remarkable is the father / son supblot that anchors the film. Perfectly played all around. Even Homer's mom gets her moment without cliche or intrusion. Her ultimatum to her husband is both dignified and heatbreaking. "Myrtle Beach" says it all.
A major video chain I despise has a sign next to this film stating that you'll love this film or they'll refund your money. For once, I agree with them. You'll never look at the October sky quite the same again.
Sputnik is the inspiration for this journey of the heart, mind and soul. Just as the characters from Steven Sondheim's musical MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG stood agape atop their apartment roof hoping it would launch their new generation ("What do you call it? You call it a miracle."), Sputnik has a similar affect on the young rocket boys of this true tale. While jaded townsfolk of their 1950's coal town dismiss the event, Homer Hickham sees Sputnik as his ticket out of a life in the mines.
Masterful direction and casting make the journey of rocket boy Homer and his pals seem fresh and new. Especially affecting are subplots concerning Homer's ailing young school teacher. Remarkable restraint is shown in depicting their delicate relationship. Also remarkable is the father / son supblot that anchors the film. Perfectly played all around. Even Homer's mom gets her moment without cliche or intrusion. Her ultimatum to her husband is both dignified and heatbreaking. "Myrtle Beach" says it all.
A major video chain I despise has a sign next to this film stating that you'll love this film or they'll refund your money. For once, I agree with them. You'll never look at the October sky quite the same again.
October Sky is one of the most average films in recent memory. It moves from cliche to cliche without a care in the world because the film itself is a cliche: if you work hard enough, you will be rewarded. You get all the elements that work against our unlikely hero, such as a tough father and skeptical friends, as well as some unexpected advantages, like a helpful teacher and a resident genius friend. The movie stumbles through these situations and banks that the audience will buy it because it is based on a true story. And it seems like it has worked because most viewers seem to like the film.
There were some fine elements in the film. Chris Cooper is Hollywood's most underrated actor. His performance as the father could have been very flat, but instead he allows him to be a three dimensional man. The development of the relationship between the father and son is nice, if not a little Freudian. The other performances are nice too, but nothing special. Laura Dern, another underrated performer, is given a terrible, underwritten role, but she does the best she can. Also, the film does end much better than it begins. The first 75 minutes have a lot of silly setpieces, like "let's play on the train tracks like in Stand By Me" and "let's find our lost rocket even if the relevance to the plot is no longer clear". The end of the film really comes together, though, by focusing on the father-son relationship and the futures of the boys once they get out of that dreadful town.
One final note is in order. I believe that the film was completely unfair to unions and intentionally tried to make them look evil. Why is everyone associated with the union leadership portrayed like a wild, snarling animal? Could it be that the entire film is a quiet piece of right-wing propaganda? Does anybody really believe that if we just follow our dreams that everyone has an equal chance in America? These are just a few final thoughts, and they ultimately do not impact on my overall appraisal of the film, which I give a 6.
There were some fine elements in the film. Chris Cooper is Hollywood's most underrated actor. His performance as the father could have been very flat, but instead he allows him to be a three dimensional man. The development of the relationship between the father and son is nice, if not a little Freudian. The other performances are nice too, but nothing special. Laura Dern, another underrated performer, is given a terrible, underwritten role, but she does the best she can. Also, the film does end much better than it begins. The first 75 minutes have a lot of silly setpieces, like "let's play on the train tracks like in Stand By Me" and "let's find our lost rocket even if the relevance to the plot is no longer clear". The end of the film really comes together, though, by focusing on the father-son relationship and the futures of the boys once they get out of that dreadful town.
One final note is in order. I believe that the film was completely unfair to unions and intentionally tried to make them look evil. Why is everyone associated with the union leadership portrayed like a wild, snarling animal? Could it be that the entire film is a quiet piece of right-wing propaganda? Does anybody really believe that if we just follow our dreams that everyone has an equal chance in America? These are just a few final thoughts, and they ultimately do not impact on my overall appraisal of the film, which I give a 6.
'October Sky' is a film about a group of young boys in a troubled mid-western coal-mining village who have the dream about creating rockets. This hobby leads them on to some exciting and wider events and recognition. It is ultimately a film about an unsung hero and his troubled family life with an over-bearing father who wants to make a better life for himself. It's a film about hope and dreams.
Although the story itself is engaging and emotional, the film is too full of clichés for my tastes. It is one of those films that gives you hope and makes you feel good. It teaches that people who put their mind to something can achieve some important recognition. This film makes life seem so simple, which is great if you enjoy films like that but annoying if you were hoping for a little bit more. There are many films that follow a similar mold, and one of these is Field of Dreams.
Although the story itself is engaging and emotional, the film is too full of clichés for my tastes. It is one of those films that gives you hope and makes you feel good. It teaches that people who put their mind to something can achieve some important recognition. This film makes life seem so simple, which is great if you enjoy films like that but annoying if you were hoping for a little bit more. There are many films that follow a similar mold, and one of these is Field of Dreams.
I loved this movie. It is one of the few movies that I have consistently recommended to friends to rent and have had all of them thank me for the referral. The film has some powerful themes that are beautifully scripted. The acting is superb all around (Chris Cooper has never turned in a bad acting role in my opinion!) The message of this film is so well delivered, so powerful, that it moved me to tears the first time I saw it. Not sad tears, which are easily solicited by cinema formula, but tears of joy--a rare thing.
Although I did not grow up in the 1950's, I believe this film honestly portrays the mood and setting of the time. Given today's harsh world with all its complications, watching this film is a welcome escape to a time of innocence, wonder, and discovery. Highly recommended!
Although I did not grow up in the 1950's, I believe this film honestly portrays the mood and setting of the time. Given today's harsh world with all its complications, watching this film is a welcome escape to a time of innocence, wonder, and discovery. Highly recommended!
This is a gem, a real piece of Americana for all that this implies. If you are self programed to resist "life-afirming" stories, just stay away and leave the pleasure to the rest of us who still believe. And what makes the frosting on the cake truly delectable is that it is fact based on a real rags to riches story, no need to nit-pick what details were changed to make a compact story. Chris Cooper is one of the greatest living actors, and the complex, self-conflicted, bottom-line good at the core father he portrayed could only be pulled off successfully by someone with his skill and insight. The simple minded comments, refusing to accept a father who tries to lay down the law all the while sensing that he may possibly be off-track, expose the limitation of the commentator, not the writers or the acting. This is not for the cynical, or the simple minded.
I was watching this when my wife called to inquire from the other room as to my choice of fare. My comment? "I am watching my Life!"
Though younger, but only by 5 years or so, than the "Rocket Boys" I remember the absolute urgency with which Sputnick was greeted by our administrators of education and how the whole Science Fair thing gained momentum and took me and others into the competitive whirlwind. My own tornado landed me in my own State's Science Fair, in Physics by '62, though our group was less successful in gaining the support of, for example, firefighters we approached for guidance and counsel until after a tragic event, our city went so far as to allow us to tour the Nike missile site on Chicago's lakeshore.
This movie brought it all back for me and I will bet that it brought it all back for a bunch of us "UberNerds" of the late '50s and early 60's.
We are in a similar science brain drainage period now and really need this movie as a country. See It!
Though younger, but only by 5 years or so, than the "Rocket Boys" I remember the absolute urgency with which Sputnick was greeted by our administrators of education and how the whole Science Fair thing gained momentum and took me and others into the competitive whirlwind. My own tornado landed me in my own State's Science Fair, in Physics by '62, though our group was less successful in gaining the support of, for example, firefighters we approached for guidance and counsel until after a tragic event, our city went so far as to allow us to tour the Nike missile site on Chicago's lakeshore.
This movie brought it all back for me and I will bet that it brought it all back for a bunch of us "UberNerds" of the late '50s and early 60's.
We are in a similar science brain drainage period now and really need this movie as a country. See It!
- Jun 3, 2005
- Permalink
Saw a sneak preview of this on January 26. It's a good family film that will appeal to youngsters (for the rockets) and their parents (for the late-50's nostalgia). Mild profanity, but nothing out of the prime-time TV range. Based on a true story.
There is an old saying that relates to the rousing new film by Joe Johnston that goes something like this: "The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right." That is a highly presumptuous statement referring to self motivating and belief in an individual, which, in this movie, stand true even after road blocks and family trouble stand in the way.
"October Sky" is about a young man who believes in himself named Homer Hickam, growing up in a strict, traditional family in the 1950's. Homer loves in a small coal mining town where nearly every man grows up to be a miner. All of his friends, Quentin, Roy, and O'Dell all think that their life after high school will be like everyone else's. Homer is not exited about that future.
One night, while everyone stares at the sky, a Russian space craft called Sputnik passes overhead. This is something new for Homer, and he finds it spectacular and overwhelming. From this point on, his look at life will never be the same.
First, he tells everyone that he wants to work in the rocket scientist area for an occupation. Flabbergasted at what he says, his family passes that idea over their heads and continues with life as usual His friends, however, think that this idea may have some potential. After all, Quentin is a very smart individual when it comes to this kind of thing.
When the four friends start to test model rockets, and blow a white picket fence to smithereens, then what seems to be a forest fire is scared by them, they're forced to end their progresses.
The performances in this movie are absolutely riveting from start to finish. All of the actors give performances as if this is the real mumbo jumbo here. Standing out in all of the glory: Laura Dern as Miss Riley. This very well may be Academy award material if the judges can remember back to the beginning of the year when this film is released.
The characters are also extremely well developed. Not only to the filmmakers give clear, apparent reason why Homer is interested in the subject, but they also explain to the audience how they are succeeding in their studding of rocketry. We clearly understand all of the characters' motives and beliefs, especially the father, who is bent over on everlasting tradition.
The film, unfortunately, loses some of its momentum at mid-point because of a silly, recycled romantic sub-plot involving Homer's love interest and how his brother stole her from him. This type of this is becoming so awfully common in high-school movies, not that this film is aimed at high-schoolers. The actors stare at each other mindlessly, like the are in a trance. I put up with it without complaining in 1997's "Inventing the Abbots," but I have had just about enough this.
But that is just a minor complaint. With an authentic looking time period, cinematography worth an Oscar and clips of the real life Homer and friends at the end, whom all hit it big with their dreams, especially Homer, this is the first great film of 1999.
"October Sky" is about a young man who believes in himself named Homer Hickam, growing up in a strict, traditional family in the 1950's. Homer loves in a small coal mining town where nearly every man grows up to be a miner. All of his friends, Quentin, Roy, and O'Dell all think that their life after high school will be like everyone else's. Homer is not exited about that future.
One night, while everyone stares at the sky, a Russian space craft called Sputnik passes overhead. This is something new for Homer, and he finds it spectacular and overwhelming. From this point on, his look at life will never be the same.
First, he tells everyone that he wants to work in the rocket scientist area for an occupation. Flabbergasted at what he says, his family passes that idea over their heads and continues with life as usual His friends, however, think that this idea may have some potential. After all, Quentin is a very smart individual when it comes to this kind of thing.
When the four friends start to test model rockets, and blow a white picket fence to smithereens, then what seems to be a forest fire is scared by them, they're forced to end their progresses.
The performances in this movie are absolutely riveting from start to finish. All of the actors give performances as if this is the real mumbo jumbo here. Standing out in all of the glory: Laura Dern as Miss Riley. This very well may be Academy award material if the judges can remember back to the beginning of the year when this film is released.
The characters are also extremely well developed. Not only to the filmmakers give clear, apparent reason why Homer is interested in the subject, but they also explain to the audience how they are succeeding in their studding of rocketry. We clearly understand all of the characters' motives and beliefs, especially the father, who is bent over on everlasting tradition.
The film, unfortunately, loses some of its momentum at mid-point because of a silly, recycled romantic sub-plot involving Homer's love interest and how his brother stole her from him. This type of this is becoming so awfully common in high-school movies, not that this film is aimed at high-schoolers. The actors stare at each other mindlessly, like the are in a trance. I put up with it without complaining in 1997's "Inventing the Abbots," but I have had just about enough this.
But that is just a minor complaint. With an authentic looking time period, cinematography worth an Oscar and clips of the real life Homer and friends at the end, whom all hit it big with their dreams, especially Homer, this is the first great film of 1999.
This movie is a very clean cut, entertaining film. One aspect I really enjoyed was that very little was changed from actual events, because some plotlines seem "Hollywood". The main characters could have been developed a bit more, but all in all a very worthwhile film.
The best family-friendly drama of all time, that does not condescend to teens, and engages adults and youth on an equal plane. This is a cinematic work of art - Direction, screenplay, editing, cinematography, music score and truly inspired performances by the actors get 10/10 marks.
October Sky sets a very high bar, and is an inspiring must-see movie for ages 10 to 110.
October Sky sets a very high bar, and is an inspiring must-see movie for ages 10 to 110.
- Instant_Palmer
- Jun 29, 2019
- Permalink
Despite the fact that the main characters are a couple of years older, this film has much in common with "Stand by me" (1986, Rob Reiner). For 17 year old high school students there are surprisingly little troubles with love affairs in the plot, and this benefits the film.
Instead of girls the relation of the main character with his father is really important. Just like in "Stand by me" the main character suspects that he is less favoured than his brother. His father has always time when his brother has a football match, but is always busy when he is crafting his mini rockets.
The father works at the local mine, a major employer in the small village. He expects that his son will follow in his footsteps. You almost hear Bruce Springsteen sing "I come from down in the valley. Where mister when you're young. They bring you up to do like your daddy done" (1980, The river).
His son has other plans and is encouraged in this by his schoolteacher. This schoolteacher (Laura Dern) plays the role of the unconventional teacher, but in a totally different way than Robin Williams in "Dead poets society" (1989, Peter Wear). In "Dead poets society" the teacher learns his wealthy pupils to care about thinks that are not related to making a career. In "October sky" the teacher learns her poor pupils to set their ambitions regarding their career not to low.
Instead of girls the relation of the main character with his father is really important. Just like in "Stand by me" the main character suspects that he is less favoured than his brother. His father has always time when his brother has a football match, but is always busy when he is crafting his mini rockets.
The father works at the local mine, a major employer in the small village. He expects that his son will follow in his footsteps. You almost hear Bruce Springsteen sing "I come from down in the valley. Where mister when you're young. They bring you up to do like your daddy done" (1980, The river).
His son has other plans and is encouraged in this by his schoolteacher. This schoolteacher (Laura Dern) plays the role of the unconventional teacher, but in a totally different way than Robin Williams in "Dead poets society" (1989, Peter Wear). In "Dead poets society" the teacher learns his wealthy pupils to care about thinks that are not related to making a career. In "October sky" the teacher learns her poor pupils to set their ambitions regarding their career not to low.
- frankde-jong
- Jul 20, 2019
- Permalink
- kyledenny62
- Oct 19, 2008
- Permalink
I watched this film just today, 22 years after its release. I have to admit I was pleasantly suprised. Its a feel-good story which is based on true events making it worthy to watch.
The settings for the decade 1950 are very carefully selected bringing a nostalgic air - the music, the work at the mines, the relationship between father and son. All are so beautifully structured! You will definitely enjoy and learn something new.
The settings for the decade 1950 are very carefully selected bringing a nostalgic air - the music, the work at the mines, the relationship between father and son. All are so beautifully structured! You will definitely enjoy and learn something new.
- pantelis-petrou
- May 7, 2021
- Permalink
This was very predictable. I knew from the start how it's gonna end. And I've got it! I also knew it will have a lot of cliche about family life when the father don't understand his son. I've got it too! This is just a regular Hollywood movie, a weeping film of good sentiments. It is well made, and away from
special effects, violence and dumb patriotism. From this point of view, it is very OK, but really not a great film. Just another Hollywood movie with fifties juke-box hits (sometimes, the years of the songs don't match the year of the story!). Chris Cooper is a fine actor and the kids did a very good job. I had a good time watching it, but I will don't remember it in two years.
special effects, violence and dumb patriotism. From this point of view, it is very OK, but really not a great film. Just another Hollywood movie with fifties juke-box hits (sometimes, the years of the songs don't match the year of the story!). Chris Cooper is a fine actor and the kids did a very good job. I had a good time watching it, but I will don't remember it in two years.