-The Quebec-made series, "Virginie", holds the Canadian record for "Longest-running television series"; it ran for 15 years, from September 16, 1996 to December 16, 2010, giving viewers a whopping 1740 episodes.
-The 1221'st episode aired on October 16, 2006, breaking the longevity record for a Quebec television series (Canada).
-Author Fabienne Larouche and Télévision de Radio-Canada had reached an agreement for a broadcast scheduled to run until 2016. Scheduled for 16 years (1920 episodes (30-minutes)). However, the soap opera was replaced, on Radio-Canada in January 2011, by "30 vies", a daily soap opera, still the work of Fabienne Larouche, whose main characters were played by Marina Orsini, then by Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge, Élise Guilbault, Karine Vanasse, Mariloup Wolfe, Benoît Brière, Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin, Émile Proulx-Cloutier, Denis Bouchard and Julie Perreault.