Jimmie Wicherley, who is always late for everything, finds out that he will inherit his uncle's millions on the condition that, for a period of 3 months, he report to his uncle's lawyer promptly on time on a certain day each month. If Jimmie does not meet this condition, Saunders, another of his uncle's nephews, will inherit the fortune. Jimmie later has a fight with a truck driver named Johnson and knocks him to the ground, where he remains, out cold. Saunders then bribes Johnson to disappear, and Jimmie is arrested for his "murder." A friend springs Jimmie from jail, and Jimmie captures Johnson and brings him before a judge. The case against Jimmie is dismissed, but he believes the fortune to be lost to him for not reporting to the lawyer while in jail. The lawyer, however, informs Jimmie that, being clearly the victim of circumstance, he will still inherit the fortune. Jimmie also wins the hand of the lawyer's ward, Susan.